Tuesday, October 9, 2018

10/9/18                                News Flash

Huukan will not open as planned this is a real big surprise the update stuff as follows

Oct 10  Avi  6.59
Oct 11  AVI  7.08
Oct 12 AVI 7.42
Oct   No Play for members  Tourn
Oct 14  No play
Oct  15  No  Play for Members  Tourn
Oct 16  10.49
Oct 17   7.42
Oct  18   7.33
Oct  19   7.39
Oct  20  Huukan opens  7.42

All Players can check the book any time they play,up to 13 Oct as all  ready posted one tee time
after that tee times can be gotten but prior  planning is a must  (more them one day)

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