Friday, October 19, 2018

10/19/18                                              Tee Times

For October 20 we have Tee times at the Avi  Time 1.16 we also have tee times at Huukan 7.24. There is only 2 players sign up me and Ray I am going to try to play Huukan to check Re seeding.

Tee Times All At Huukan
Oct 22  tee 7.10
Oct 23  tee  7.24
Oct 24  tee  7.17
Oct 25  tee 7.24
Oct 26  tee  7.17
Oct 28  tee   7.24

I have 2 to Max of 5 players sign up to play lots of room
I will try to play Huukan on the 20 to give report of the greens and fairways after that   I will not play  to  I here form some doctors   I hope to pass the book to Ray for people can sign up for play

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