*** TEE TIMES ***

Location                            Date                  Time

Tee Times for Mon, Wen  Fri

Huukan                            12 Oct                 7.12/7.20
                                         14 Oct                 10.10 /10.18
                                         17 Oct                  7.12 7.20
                                         19 Oct                 7.12 /7.20
                                         21 Oct                  7.10/7.20
                                         24 Oct                   7.12/7/20
                                         26 Oct                   7.12/7.20

Tee Time For Off Days  Tues,  Thur,   Sat, Sun

1 Tee Time Only 4 Players  pre sign up to play   Reeves, Mort, Jensen  1 Slot open

11 Oct  9.11
13 Oct 6.55
15 Oct 7.00
16 Oct 7.00
18 Oct 6.46
20 Oct 6.46
23 Oct 6.55
25 Oct 6.55

*** 22 Oct Welcome Back  Tournament ***

Snow Birds are here or coming it will be importance to  sign up in the book early so I can get Tee times right now I get 2 for Reg play and 1 for the off days can get more if there is a lot of lead time. The idea is to have everyone play and to have fun

I would like players a little early. The Starter occasionally moves up the tee times.
                                                                                                                                                                    Tee Times will be updated as Required

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