5/20/19 Game Results
7 players 49.00
Ctp #5 Ray #8 Steve #15 Steve #12 Dc paid 3.50 Each
Low Net 1 Steve 9.00 2 Tommy 7.00 3 Ray 5.00
Skins Steve 2 Jay 1 DC1 paid 3.50
Sorry Guys just can't do it can't get my breath and legs and hips hurt don't know why but they are going to run tests the in July after that if they find anything they got to fix it also I have a colon operation on the 25 July so if things go well and they help me i'll return if not its been fun count them all and go by the rules.
Dave. Sorry to learn of your health problems. I am hoping for the best outcome and a healthy/pain free future. Soldier on.