Tuesday, October 3, 2017

10/3/17                                          Read Please

The Huukan golf course will open on 14 October 2017 This is a change from Oct 10 2017.

I have Tee Times for AVI Golf Course

6 Oct 2017  Times  7. 12 / 7.20
9 Oct 2017   Times  7. 29 / 7.37 / 7.46
11 Oct 2017  Times  7.29 / 7.37/7.54
13 Oct 2017  Times  7.12 / 7.20 / 7.29

Huukan Reopens on 14 Oct  2017

Tee Times for off Days will still be handle by Jay Jensen
The Golf cart fees for the AVI have been discontinue  because our course is not open.

This week Tee Time are
4 Oct 2017  Times  7.04 /7.12  at Los Largo  8 players only
6 Oct  2017  Times  7.12 7.20  at AVI   8 players only

all other times are good for 12 players  we need  9 player to fill those times

Read the Blog and  pass the information to the other players

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