Monday, October 30, 2017

10/30/17                                                  Game Results

9 Players                                               Total Pot 63.00

Greens   #5, #8,  #17,   DC  paid  13.50    #12 Ray paid 4.50

Low Net  1 Scott  11.00   2  DC  9.00   3 Ray 7.00

Skins   Scott 1,   DC 1,    Ray 1,  Larry 1,  paid 4.50 each

Next Game   1 Nov 2017  Huukan Tee Time  6.46/6.55/ 7.20
On the first Tee Monday nice shot

Friday, October 27, 2017

10/27/17                                        Game Results

8 Players                                        Total Pot 56.00

Greens    #5  Larry      #8    Ken        #12  Ron       #15   Ray    Paid  4.00 Each

Low Net   1 Ken  10.00    2  Larry  8.00   3 Jay  6.00

Skins  Ken ,  Matt,  Ray , Paid  5.25 Each

Next Game   30 Oct 17   Huukan  Tee Time  6.29

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

10/25/17                                          Game Results

8 Players                                          Total Pot 56.00

Green  #5 DC   #8 Jay    #12 Ray    #15  Dc  paid 4.00 each

Low Net   1 DC  10.00   2 Jay 8.00   3 Ray  6.00

Skins   Ray 1, Dc 1,   7.00 Each

Next Game  10/27/17    Huukan  Tee Time  6.29   Room for 3 walk ins

Monday, October 23, 2017

10/23/17                                                 Game Results

11 Players                                             Total Pot  77.00

Green  #5, #8,  Greg   #14, #17, Scott,      paid each 11.00

Low Net  1  Greg  12.00  2  Scott 10.00  3  Jay 6.00  4 DC  5.00

2 Hole  Skins   Ray  1,   Greg  1,   Scott  1,  paid 7.25 Each

Next Game   Huukan   10/23/17    Tee Time  6.29  Room for 12,   7 sign up

Friday, October 20, 2017

10/20/17                                           Game Results

7 Players                                         Total Pot  49.00

Green  #5  Scott   #8 xx    #12  Ron    #15 Ray  paid 4.50 each

Low Net   1 Ray  9.00   2 Matt 7.00   3 Scott 5.00

Skins   Ray  3,   Matt  2,  paid 2.75 each

Next Game

AVI   23 OCT 2017          TEE TIME 7.20      12 PLACES  /   10 TAKEN

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

10/18/17                                              Game Results

6 Players                                              Pot 42.00

Greens  #5, Jay   #8,  Ray  #12, xx  # 15, Ray  paid 4.00 each

Low Net  1 DC  8.00    2  Jay 6.00  3 Larry  4.00

Skins  DC,  Ray,  Dave,   paid 4 .00

Next Game  10/20/17   Huukan  6.29  12 slots,  6 sign To Play

New ? Infromation

1. Sign up Book will be at every Game
2. Player must sign up before day of play, at lease a week in advance
3. Player must check in 10 min before  Posted Tee Time
4. No one will be allow to check in that has not sign up before hand
5. after all pre- sign in players have check in, any spots open will be given out
6. If the TEE TIME is full any extra players will not play that day
7.  Tee Times will be added or drop, base on the sign ups , ONE Week in advance.

Bottom line is sign up ,its not that hard and after signing up show up to play at lease 10 min early

Dave ,  E-Mail
Phone 760-267-7968

Will Help to fill up tee times

Monday, October 16, 2017

10/16/17                                   Game Results

9 Players                                      Pot 63.00

Green    #5 Jay    #8 xx   #12  Jay   #15  Matt  paid 6.00

Low Net   1 Matt  11.00    2  Jay  9.00   3 Scott  7.00

Skins  Ron 1, Ken 1,  Matt 1, Jay 1,   paid 4.50 Each

Next Game  Huukan  10/18/17   Tee Time  6.29

Friday, October 13, 2017

10/13/17                                            Game Results

12 Players                                        Total Pot  84.00

Greens  #5 Angelo   #8  Scott  #14  Jay  #15  Roy   paid 6.00 each

Low Net

1  Roy 13.00
2  DC   11.00
3 Kurt   7.00
4  Ken   5.00

Skins  DC 2,  Roy  3,   Matt 1,  Kurt 1,   paid  3.25 each

Next Game  10/16/17   Huukan  Tee Time  6.29

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

10/11/17                                                    Game Results

10 Players                                                  Pot 67.00

Greens  #5 DC   #8 Jay    #14 Larry    #17 Ken  paid  5.00 each

Low Net  1  Roy  11.00   2  Ray  9.00    3  Larry 7.00

Skins DC 1, Jay 1,  Ray 1,  paid  6.50

Next Game  AVI  10/13/17  Tee Time 7.12  (Friday the 13 Sports Fans )

Thanks to Kenny for doing all the work on the rules
and they said I dress funny 

Monday, October 9, 2017

10/9/17                                                  Game Results

7 Players                                              Pot 46.00

Greens  # 5  Ray     #8  Scott    #12  xx   #17  Ray   paid 4.50 each

Low Net   1  Jay  8.00    2  Ray  6.00   3 Dave  4.00

Skins   Roy 1,  DC 1,  Jay 1,   paid 4.50 each

Next Game   10/11/17   Avi Tee time 7.29

Friday, October 6, 2017

10/6/17                                            Game Results

9 Players                                            Pot 63.00

Green  # John   #8  Lyle   #14  Matt   #17  John  paid 4.50 each

Low Net   1 Roy  11.00  2  Ray 9.00  3 DC 7.00

Skins   DC 1, John 1, Ray 1, Roy 1,   Paid 4.40 Each

Next Game

AVI    10/9/17  Tee Time  7.27  \  7.37  \ 7.46 opening for 12 players please sign up

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

10/4/17                                            Game Results

6 Players                                           Pot   42.00

Greens    1 Roy    2 Ray   3 Jay   4 Matt   paid 3.00 each

Low Net   1 DC 8.00   2 Roy  6.00  3 Dave  4.00

Skins  DC  3,  Dave 1,   paid 3.00 each

Next Game  Avi Tee Time 7.12  8 players

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

10/3/17                                          Read Please

The Huukan golf course will open on 14 October 2017 This is a change from Oct 10 2017.

I have Tee Times for AVI Golf Course

6 Oct 2017  Times  7. 12 / 7.20
9 Oct 2017   Times  7. 29 / 7.37 / 7.46
11 Oct 2017  Times  7.29 / 7.37/7.54
13 Oct 2017  Times  7.12 / 7.20 / 7.29

Huukan Reopens on 14 Oct  2017

Tee Times for off Days will still be handle by Jay Jensen
The Golf cart fees for the AVI have been discontinue  because our course is not open.

This week Tee Time are
4 Oct 2017  Times  7.04 /7.12  at Los Largo  8 players only
6 Oct  2017  Times  7.12 7.20  at AVI   8 players only

all other times are good for 12 players  we need  9 player to fill those times

Read the Blog and  pass the information to the other players