Monday, October 24, 2016

10/24/16                                       Game Results

Total Players 12                            Total Pot (84)

CTP   #5 Scott    #8 Ray    #12 Greg     #15 Greg  winning 6.00 for each CTP

Low Net   1 Scott 13.00  2 Ray  11.00 3 Ron 7.00   #5 Dave 5.00

Skins 7 Total Scott 3 each, Ken, 1 Herb 1, Larry 1 Greg 1 paid 2.77 each

The Money Error has been check an recheck The payout are right the pot was short 5.00 That my error it will be fixed.

Tee Times

Tuesday 6.55 at Huukan
Wednesday 7.12 Huukan

FRIDAY 28 Oct Play will be at the AVI starting at 7.03 and 7.12 I have 9 Golfers on the list if you want to play Josh said if we get more than 8 they will they care of it. BE  on time there will be a group going out early.
Please take this I have  way to many of these things

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