Monday, October 31, 2016

10/31/16                                                  Game Results

13 Players                                                  Total Pot 84.00

CTP    #5  Yucca    #8  Bob      #12  Herb    #15  Roy    paid 6.50 each

Low Net   1 DC 13.00    2 Jay 11.00   3 Ray 7.00   4 Ken 5.00

Skins     Jay 1   8.00      DC 2   16.00

Next Game  off Day   1 Nov   Huukan Tee Time 7.12

Regular Game  2 Nov Huukan  Tee Time Starting at 7.22

Tee Times are getting tight please sign the white book when you  want to play and please do it early so we can get the time from the club

Friday, October 28, 2016

10/28/16                                                  Game Results

11 Total Players                                     Total Pot 75.00

CTP   #5  Roy    #8  Ken    #12  Bob  #17 John H   winning 5.50

Low Net   1 Roy 12.00  2 Ron 10.00   3 Yucca 6.00   4 Bob 4.00

Skins 5 Total  Ron,  John H,  Ray, Scott, Kurt winning 4.00

Next Off day play   29 Oct at the Avi  Tee Time 7.00

Regular Play 31 Oct  Tee time Starts at 7.12
Ray Duck

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

10/26/16                                                Game Results

12 Total Players                                     Total Pot  84.00

CTP    #5 Paul    #8  Jay    #12  Paul   #15  Bob  paid 6.00 each

Low Net  1 Scott 13.00  2 DC 11.00  3 Dave 7.00  4 Jay 5.00

Skins Scott 3 paid 18.00  Paul 1 paid 6.00

Next Play 27 Oct Huukan Tee time 6.55

Regular Game  28 Oct AVI Tee time 7.00

Monday, October 24, 2016

10/24/16                                       Game Results

Total Players 12                            Total Pot (84)

CTP   #5 Scott    #8 Ray    #12 Greg     #15 Greg  winning 6.00 for each CTP

Low Net   1 Scott 13.00  2 Ray  11.00 3 Ron 7.00   #5 Dave 5.00

Skins 7 Total Scott 3 each, Ken, 1 Herb 1, Larry 1 Greg 1 paid 2.77 each

The Money Error has been check an recheck The payout are right the pot was short 5.00 That my error it will be fixed.

Tee Times

Tuesday 6.55 at Huukan
Wednesday 7.12 Huukan

FRIDAY 28 Oct Play will be at the AVI starting at 7.03 and 7.12 I have 9 Golfers on the list if you want to play Josh said if we get more than 8 they will they care of it. BE  on time there will be a group going out early.
Please take this I have  way to many of these things

Friday, October 21, 2016

10/21/16                                                  Game Results

12 Players                                                Total Pot 84.00

CTP    #5 John  #8 Ken  #12 Ron #15 Bob paid 6.00 each

Low Net   1 Dave 13.00   2 Jay 11.00  3 Ray 7.00 4 Ron

2 Hole skins  4 Total   Ron,  Ray , Kirt  6.00 each

Next off  day play is Sunday 23 Oct at Huukan 1 Tee time at 6.55

Next Regular game play is Monday 24 Oct at Huukan Tee time 7.12

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

10/19/16                                                   Game Results

9 Players                                                   Total Pot 63.00

CTP     #5  Larry    #8  Herb     #12  xx     #15 Herb    6.00 each

Low Net    1 Bob  11.00     2 Herb   9.00     3 Ray 7.00

Skins   4   Bob,  Herb,  Ray 2  Paid 4.50 each

Next Game ( Off Day) Thurday  Tee Time 6.46

Friday 21 Oct  Regular Play  Avi  Tee Time 7.12

Welcome back Scotty

Monday, October 17, 2016

10/17/16                                                Game Results

9 Total Players                                           Total Pot 63.00

CTP   #5  Jay    #8xx    #12 Herb    #15  Herb   paid 6.00 per greenie

Low Net   1 Ken  11.00     2  Herb  9.00    3 Dave  7.00

Skins  Ken 3 each   Bob 1 each    Herb 1 each  paid 3.50 each

OFF Day Game 6.46 Huukan 10/18/16

Next Game Huukan 10/19/16  Tee time 7.12

Please Be Early
Please sign the book so I can get the right amount of tee times.

Need 3 Days advance warning to get tee times at the Avi

Friday, October 14, 2016

10/14/16                                             Game Results

6 Players Total                                       Pot 42.00

CTP  #5  Ray    #8  Bob    #12  Herb  #15  Ray  3.00 Each

Low Net    1 Ray  8.00  2 Bob 6.00  3 Herb 4.00

Skins   Dave,  Ray,  Bob,  4.00 each

Regular Play Monday 17 Oct 16 Tee Time 7.12 /7.20  8 Players sign up to play

off day play  Saturday 15 Oct and Sunday 16 Oct Tee Time 7.00 Both Days
# players sign up 1

all play at Huukan

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

10/12/ 16                                            Game Results

10 Total Players                                  70 Total Pot
      Paul                                                 4 added

CTP  #5 Dave  # 8 Ray  #12 Bob  #15 DC  all winning 5.50

Low Net  1 Dave 11.00  2 Bob 9.00  3 Ken 6.00  4 Larry 4.00

Skins Ken  Greg,  Dave,  Jay  winning 5.50 each

Next Regular Game Friday 10/14/16 at Huukan Tee Time 10.10
Next off Day Game Thursday 10/13/16 at Huukan Tee Time 6.55
Jack of all  Trades

Monday, October 10, 2016

10/10/16                                                         Game Results

8 Players                                                          Total Pot 56.00

Ctp   #5  Herb  #8 DC   #12 Jay   #15 Bob   4.00 each

Low Net    1  Larry  10.00  2  Ken 8.00  3 Herb 6.00

Skins  DC 1      Larry 1  paid 8.00 each

Next Game  Huukan  12 Oct  Tee Time 7.12

Tee Times for  11 Oct   to   26 Oct are posted on the tee time sheet please read

Friday, October 7, 2016

10/7/16                                                  Game Results

7 Players                                                     49.00 Total Pot

CTP  #5  Ray    # 8   xxx     #12 xxxx    # 15  xxx   one winner Ray for 14.00

Low Net   1 Bob  9.00   2 Dave  7.00  3 Jay 5.00

Skins 5 Total   Herb, Dave, Bob, Jay with 2  all paid 2.75 each

Next Game Huukan 10 Oct  Tee time 7.12/7.20

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

10/5/16                                                   Game Results

Total Players 6 + Paul                              Total Pot  50.00
                                                    (Ken & Paul 4.00 each)

CTP  #5 Ray  #8 xxx   #12 xxx   #15 Ken   winning 8.00 each

Low Net   1  Ray 8.00    2 Dave 6.00     3  Jay  4.00

Skins   Ken 1    Dave 1   8.00 each

Next Game  7 Oct 2016   at Huukan Tee Time  7.03

The good,   the bad  The missing

Monday, October 3, 2016

10/3/16                                                         Game Results

8 Players                                                      Total Pot 56.00

CTP    #5 Jay #8 Ken #12 Herb #15 Ken  all winning 4.00 per CTP

Low Net    1 Herb  10.00   2 Ken 8.00    3 Ray 6.00

Skins 5 Total  Ken 2, DC , Herb , Jay , winning 3.00

Next Game Huukan 5 Oct 2016 Tee Time 7.12

Friday game at Huukan is at 7.03 please make a note