Monday, May 11, 2015

golf has been change to the AVI on 5/12/15 time 7.29 and 6.29 at the avi on 5/14/15, Huukan golf this week is 5/13/15 time 6.46 and Fri 5/16/15 at the same time.

For the golf Bunch there is sad news about Paul K from Yuuca (Jean Ledoux).Paul has terminal cancer and will not be returning to us its shocking but Paul is maning up I know that both read the blog to keep up with the news about huukan so with that note if there anything that Paul or Jean want us to do please contact me  and I will try to help e-mail . Paul I was hoping to get some off my money back but I will let it ride for a date down the road the following pitcher is for you from huukan
Paul best wishes from bob and miss k
This one is from me miss you both, always in our prayers

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