Tuesday, April 7, 2015

got to get a better lens
the side line group
4/7/15 Total Players 14

CTP #5 Dave R #8 Ray #12 Herb #15 Dave P all winning  $7.00

Low Net #1 Bob S $12.00 #2 Dave P $10.00 # 3 Dave R $8.00 #4 Scott $6.00 #5 Ray $3.00

Skins $8.00 each Bob O,  Herb,  Marty


All at Huukan
4/8/15 8.11
4/9/15 7.37
4/10/15 8.11
4/11/15 7.30
4/12/15 7.30
Sorry for the last typo errors (can't play golf, can't type)

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