Friday, December 5, 2014

                                                   Nice round today Bob S.
                                                      Huukan 12-05-14

#5 Ron.  #8 Bill L.  #12 Marty.  #15 Jay.  $7.00 each.

Low Grose Game  2 winners with78s split the pot $6.00 Marty and Montana Jack.

Low Net Game
#1 Bob S $14.00.  #2 Bob O $10.00.  #3 Marty $7.00.  #4 Greg $5.00.  #5 Jack $4.00.  #6 Paul $2.00.

Skins Game
4 for Bob S. 1 for Dave.  1 for Ray  $3.00 each $4.00 c/o

next play Mohave Monday 8:30 az time  Huukan wed. and Fridat  8:30 az time

                                                Have a great weekend

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