Friday, November 28, 2014

                                                      Mohave 11-26-14
                                                      Huukan 11-28-14
It has been brought to my attention, that some of the players are not happy with the rules of our game so I suggest that we have a meeting and try to fix the problems that we have, We have too good of a group to have trivial issues.  So lets meet and take votes on what to do to make everybody happy. See ya Monday Have a nice weekend.
Mohave skins results
Marty 2 John H 1. Ray 1.  Herb low net w/o skin $2.00 carry over. $10.00 each.

#5 Ray #8 Mt Jack #14 Tim #17 Ray $10.00 each.

Low net game
Ray $8.00 Herb and John H $6.00 each.

Huukan  Friday
Skins results
Marty 2 Bill L. Low net w/o skin Wally $7.00 each no carry over.

#5 Roy.  #8 Marty.  #12 Bill L.  #15 Jean.  $6.50 each.

Low net game
Wally $6.00.  Scott and Dean $3.50 each.

next play mon wed Friday Huukan 8.20 am az time.

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