Monday, August 4, 2014

                                                          Mohave 8-4-14
                                                    Scott wins progressive

Skins Game
Jay1.  Larry M 1. Roy 1.  Jim C 1.  Dave low net w/o skin.  $5.00 each $1.00 carry over.

Scott #5 and #8 to win progressive$29.00. #5 Greg.  #17 Warren.  $3.00 each.

Low net game
Roy $5.00.  Jim C $4.00 Dave $3.00

next play huukan wed and Friday 6.29 .

1 comment:

  1. Hi. To. All. My. Friends. I. Got. Bad. News. Yesterday. From. My. Sister. That. They. Found. My. Older. Brother. Outside his. Apt dead in the street. They say he died. Of a heart attack they told my sister that we need to each pay 786.00 each before they will releace his body. Unfortunately I don't have it at this time if I could. Get some help from someone as you all know I would be able to paay it back. If anyone could help. My wife and I would be so greatful. Thank you and I miss you all. Thanks wally
