Friday, June 13, 2014

                                                          Huukan 6-12-14

Skins Results
Lewis 1.  Ron L 2.  Jay 1.  Dean 1.  Low net w/o skin RR. $3.00 each. $2.00 carry over.

#5 Herb.  #8 RR.  #15 Larry L.  $3.25 Each .25 left over.  No Progressive $10.00 In the pot.

Low Net Game
RR for $4.00.  Bob S.  and Dave.  $3.00 each.

Next play Mon and Fri Huukan 6:30.  Mohave Wed 6:30

If  you sign up for another season at Huukan, and Mohave before Sept. 1, 2014.  You get 5% off the 3,400 that you can split with a partner, the amount owed for the season will then be 1,615.00 that is a good deal.  And if you bring in a new player you will receive $50.00 in your account, to purchase from the pro shop. This is only valid for returning members.   Plus there will be no cart fees at Mohave.     

                                            Have a great weekend
                                             Happy Fathers day for you dads.

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