Monday, June 30, 2014

                                                        Huukan 6-30-14

Skins Results
RR 1.  Jay 1. Herb 1.  Dave 1.  Vern low net w/o skin $3.00 each $4.00 car

Bob S. #8 and #15 to win progressive, twice in a row.  $13.50. Herb #5. Vern #12 for $2.25 each.

Low Net Game
Vern $5.00.  Herb and Bob S. $2.00 each.

next play Mohave wed 6.20 am
y over.

Friday, June 27, 2014

                                                           Huukan 6-27-14

Skins Results
Bob S 1.  Herb 1.  RR 1. Larry M 1.  Low net w/o skin Jay $4.00 each $1.00 carry over.

#5 Bob S,  #8 Bob S,  #15 Bob S. to win the progressive. $15.00.  #12 Dave $5.00.

Low Net Game.
Bob S for $4.00 Jay and Larry M.  $3.00 each.

Next play Monday and Friday huukan 6.30 wed Mohave 6.30

                                                  Have a great weekend

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

                                                           Mohave 6-25-14

Skins Results
Greg 2.  lewis 1  Jay 2.  Bob S low net w/o skin. $4.00 each.

Greg wins progressive #5 and #17.  $30.00  # 8 Ron L. #12 Jay. for $3.00 each.

Low Net Game.
Jay for $5.00 Bob S and Vern $3.00 each.

Next play Friday huukan 6.30.. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

                                                       Huukan 6-23-14

Skins Results
RR 1.  Jay 1.  Larry M 1.  Low Net w/o skin John C.  $3.00 each $3.00 carry over

#5 Greg.  #12 Jay.  #15 Larry M.  $2.25 each.

Low Net Game
Larry M. $3.00.  John C. $2.00.  RR $2.00

Next Play Mohave wed. 6.30 Friday Huukan 6.30

Friday, June 20, 2014

                                                      Huukan 6-20-14
                                                        All 7 of us.

Skins Results
Jay 1.  Lewis 1.  RR 1.  Low net w/o skin Dave.  $4.00 each $1.00 carry over.

#5 Lewis.  #8 Larry M.  #15 RR. for $2.00 each $7.00 in Prog. Pot.

Low Net Game
RR. $3.00  Dave and Lewis $2.00 each

Next play mon and Friday Huukan 6.30 Mohave wedensday 6.30
                                                   Have a great weekend




Wednesday, June 18, 2014

                                                           Mohave 6-18-14

Skins Results
Lewis 1.  Ron 1.  RR 1.  Low net w/o skin Larry M.  $4.00 each $3.00 carry over.

Ctps.  #5 Lewis  #8 Dean  $2.00 each.  #14 and #17 Jay for Progressive. for $30.00.

Low Net Game.
Larry M. $4.00.  Jay and Bob S for $2.00 each.

Next Play huukan Friday 6.30.

Monday, June 16, 2014

                                                      Huukan 6-16-14  Monday

Skins Results
Jay 1.  Larry  M 1.   Lewis 1.  Greg 1.  Low net w/o skin RR. $3.00 each.  $3.00 cary over.

Ctps.  #5 Larry M. for $8.00.  No Progressive. 

Low net game.
Larry M for $4.00.  Jay and RR for $2.00 each.

next play Mohave wed. 6.30

Friday, June 13, 2014

                                                          Huukan 6-12-14

Skins Results
Lewis 1.  Ron L 2.  Jay 1.  Dean 1.  Low net w/o skin RR. $3.00 each. $2.00 carry over.

#5 Herb.  #8 RR.  #15 Larry L.  $3.25 Each .25 left over.  No Progressive $10.00 In the pot.

Low Net Game
RR for $4.00.  Bob S.  and Dave.  $3.00 each.

Next play Mon and Fri Huukan 6:30.  Mohave Wed 6:30

If  you sign up for another season at Huukan, and Mohave before Sept. 1, 2014.  You get 5% off the 3,400 that you can split with a partner, the amount owed for the season will then be 1,615.00 that is a good deal.  And if you bring in a new player you will receive $50.00 in your account, to purchase from the pro shop. This is only valid for returning members.   Plus there will be no cart fees at Mohave.     

                                            Have a great weekend
                                             Happy Fathers day for you dads.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

                                          Herb's a winner,  winner,  winner!

June 11 Skin results

Three hole skins;  Garry(1),  Herb(2)  $4 each

CTPs;  #5-Herb,  #8 Herb,  #14-Garry,  #17-Larry M.= 2.25 Each

Progressive game;   Herb wins progressive With #5 and #8 CTPs,  and takes home 53.50.  Good job!

Low net game;  Garry= $5,  Bob S. and Herb=2 each

See ya Fri   Huukan 6:30

Monday, June 9, 2014

                                                           Huukan 6-09-14

Skins Results
Jay 2.  Bob S 1.  Herb 1.  RR 1.  Low net w/o skin Larry L.  $4.00 each.  $2.00 carry over.

#5 Bob S.  #8 Dave.  #12 Jay.  #15 Herb.  $5.50 each.  No progressive. Pot caped.

Low Net Game
Larry L for 5.00.  Jay and Larry M for $3.00 each.

Next Play wed. Mohave @6.30. Friday Huukan @6.30.

#5 Bob S.  #8 Dave.  #12 Jay.  #15 Herb.  $5.50 each.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

                                                    Mohave 6-6-14

skins Results.
Lewis 2.  Herb 1.  Jay 1.  Lary M 1.  low net w/0 skin Bob S  @$2.00 each  $4.00 carry over.

#5 Herb.  #8 Lewis.  #12 Larry L.  #15 Jay.  @ $4.00 each.  No progressive.

Low Net Game.
Bob S @$4.00 Dave and Larry M for $2.00 each.

Next Play mond. and Friday 6.30 huukan   Wend  Mohave.  6.30.

                                                  Have a great weekend

Thursday, June 5, 2014

                                                     Huukan 6-04-14

Skins Results
Wally 1.  Herb 1.  Bobs 1.  Less 1.  Low Net w/o skin scott $5.00 each 0 crr over.

#5 Bob S.  #8 Herb.  # 12 RR.  #15 Less. $6.25 each.

Low Net Game
Less for $6.00.  Herb and Scott $3.00 each.

next play Mohave Friday 7.00 am.

Monday, June 2, 2014

                                                         huukan 6-2-14

skins results
Dean 1,  Bob D 1,  Scott low net w/o skin $10.00 each

#5  John C.   #8  RR.   #12  Dean.   #15  Wally.  $7.50 each.

Low Net Game.
Scott, For $7.00.  RR and John C $4.00 each.

Nex Play wed. 6.30 Huukan Friday 6.30 Mohave.