Friday, March 28, 2014

                                              MOE,  CURLY &   LARRY

Mar 28 Skins results

Two hole skins;   Lewis (1)Jack(1), Glen(2), Bob Sim(1), Gordy  (L-N) w/o skin               - 8 each 
CTP's;  #5- Herb, #14-Herb, #8- Lewis, #17-Jack=$6each

Progressive game;  Herb wins progressive pot as usual of a total of $54.  Good job Herb

Low net game; Gordy=$12,  Glen & Ray $6 each

Tee times;       Mon 31- Mohave   7:30
                        Wed 2nd- Huukan 7:30
                         Fri 4th-  Huukan   7:30

                         Mon 7th- Huukan   7:30
                         Wed 9th- Huukan  7:30
                          Fri 11th- Mohave  7:00

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