Monday, March 31, 2014

Larry M wins progressive

Mar 31 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Bob T(1),  Bob S. (1),  Paul(1),  Larry M.(2),  Ray(2),  Don L. (L-N)=$5 each with $5 carry over

CTP's;  #5-Bob D.,  #8-Larry M.,  #14-Larry M.,  #17-Ray=$5 each

Progressive game;  Larry M. wins progressive $30 total win.  Way to go Larry M

Low Net game;  Don L.=$10,  Wally & Ray=$5

Friday, March 28, 2014

                                              MOE,  CURLY &   LARRY

Mar 28 Skins results

Two hole skins;   Lewis (1)Jack(1), Glen(2), Bob Sim(1), Gordy  (L-N) w/o skin               - 8 each 
CTP's;  #5- Herb, #14-Herb, #8- Lewis, #17-Jack=$6each

Progressive game;  Herb wins progressive pot as usual of a total of $54.  Good job Herb

Low net game; Gordy=$12,  Glen & Ray $6 each

Tee times;       Mon 31- Mohave   7:30
                        Wed 2nd- Huukan 7:30
                         Fri 4th-  Huukan   7:30

                         Mon 7th- Huukan   7:30
                         Wed 9th- Huukan  7:30
                          Fri 11th- Mohave  7:00

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Skins Results
Paul 1.  Bob D 2.  Lewis 1.  Low net w/o skin Wally.  $7.00 each. $4.00 carry over.

Ctps.  #5 Bob S.  #8 Paul.  #15 Larry Moore. $6.00 each.

Low Net Game.
Wally $8.00  Lewis and Bob S. $5.00 each.

Next Play Mohave, Friday 7.05 am.

No Progressive. $18.00 In Prog. pot.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Mar 24 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Lewis(3),  John H.(1), Don L.(L-N)= $8 each $4 carry over

CTP's;  Ray wins progressive with #5 and #8,  Vince-#12, Bob D. #15=$4.75 each

Progressive;   Ray wins a total of $68.50  with 2 KPs  #5 , #8  Way to go Ray!

Low net game;  Lewis= $9,  Don L. and Bob D.= $5 each

Friday, March 21, 2014


                        Don Lowrey a little nervous, a new Player D.C.

Skins Results 3-21-14
Jean 1  John H. 1  Ray 1.  D.C. 1  Lewis. 1.  Jay. 1. Low net w/o skin Don L. $6.00 each.  $6.00 carry over.

#5 Larry Moore.  #8 Lewis.  #12 Ted.  #15 Herb.  $11.00 each.  No Progressive.

Low net game
Don L. for $10.00.  Gordy and Lewis. $6.00 each.

Next Play Huukan Monday 7:03
                  Huukan Wed      7:27
                   Mohave Fri       7:03

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mar 19 Skin results

Two hole skins;  Wally(1), Jay(1), Ray(2), Paul(2), Lewis(1), Don L(LN), =$4 each  $4 carry over

CTP's;  #5- Bob S.,  #8- Ray,  #15- Herb=$12 each

No progressive

Low net game; Don L. =$9,  Dave & Wally=$4.50 each

Next play  Huukan Fri- 7:35

Monday, March 17, 2014


Skins Results
D.C. 1.   John H. 1.   Scott. 1.   Jean. 1.  $8.00 each Low net w/o skin Wally for $8.00

#5.  Vince.  #8.  Jean.  #14  Wally.  #17.  Scott $8.00 each.

Low Net Game
Wally $8.00.  Scott  Jean $4.00 each.

NoProgressive.  $2.00 cary over.

Next Play,  Wends and Friday Huukan 7.35 am.

Friday, March 14, 2014

                                                         Skins Results 3-15 04
Ted 1.  Low Net w/o Skin  Ray.  $23.00 each   Wow.

#5 Ray  #8 Lewis  #12 RR  #15 Charlie.  $6.25 each.
No Progresive Pot is caped at $40.00.

Low Net Game.
Ray $10.00  Jay and Jean  $6.00 each

Next Play  Mohave 6.55 Monday   Wends, and Fridat Huukan 7.35
                                                    Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

                                            Welcome our new Player Vin


Skins Results
Scott 3 for $18.00    Paul 1 for $6.00   RR for Low Net w/o Skin $6.00.

#5 Ray.  #8 Jean.  #14 Paul.  #17  Bob D.  $3.50 each.
No Progresive. 

LowNet Game.
Paul $6.00.  Scott and RR  $4.00 each.

Next Play Huukan 7.35 Friday

Monday, March 10, 2014

                                                        March 10, 2014

Skins results.
Lewis 3 for $15.00.  John H 1 for $5.00.  Low net w/o skin R.R. $5.00. $.00 carry over.

Ctps    #5Lewis.  #8 Herb.  #12 Ray.  #15 Herb.  $4.00 each
Progressive Winner is Herb for $57.00. 

Low Net Game.   R.R. $8.00.  Lewis and John H.  $4.00 each.

Next Play.   Mohave  7.00 am  az and nev. time.

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Skins Results
Lewis1.  Ray 1.  Herb 1.  Low net Bob S. $9.00 each $2.00 carry over.
no progressive.  $33.00 in the progressive pot.

Ctps. #5 Jay  #8 John H  #12 Ted  #15 Herb.  $4.25 each.

Low net game  Herb for $7.00   Bob S and Paul $5.00 each.

Next Play  Huukan 7.35 am Monday

Thursday, March 6, 2014

                                                      March 06  2014

Skins Results
Lewis, 3 for $15.00.  Larry M, 1.  Glen, 1.  Dave, low net w/0 skin,  $5.00 each. $4.00 carry over.

Ctps. #5, Glen.  #8, Larry L.  #14, Paul.  #17, John H.  $4.00 each. No prog, $16.00 In the Pot.

Low net game.  Lewis, $8.00.  Dave and Larry M,  $4.00 each.

Next play huukan Monday 7.35 am az time.

Monday, March 3, 2014

                                              John H. wins progressive for 63.00
                                                         nice shots John

March 3, 2014  Skins results.
Scott 1, John H. 1, Jean, 1. low net w/0 skin Dean 1. $11.00 each $2.00 cary over.

Ctps.  #5 dave.  #8 John H.  #12 Jay.  #15 John H. $5.00 each.

Low net game.
Dean $10.00.  Donl L. and Larry Moore $5.00 each

Next Play Mohave Wends. az time huukan Friday 7.35 az time

                                                 Sunny Days Ahead Yaaaa.