Friday, November 22, 2013

Nov 22 Skins results

Three hole skins;  Jay(2),  Lewis(1), Bob S.(1)= $2 each $1 carry-over

CTP's; #5-Lewis, #14-Bob S.-, #17- Jay= $1 each......Woohoo!

Progressive game;  Because there were only three diehards out today, there was no progressive game

Low-Net game; Lewis= $1'50,  Jay & Bob S. .75 each

Really it was not a bad day at all, you just need a pair of big-boy pants

Have a great weekend

Tee times   Mon Huukan 8:00 Az time
                 Wed Mohave 8:00 Az time
                  Fri Huukan 8:00 Az time

Dec 2nd & Dec 11 Mohave 8:00 Az time

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