Friday, November 29, 2013

Nov 29 Skins results

Two hole skins; Paul(1), Bill K.(1), Herb (1), John R.(1), Jean(L-N)= $6 each, $4 carry-over

CTP's;  #5 John C. , #8 Herb, #15 Lewis, = $10.50 each

No Progressive; $40 Cap

Low -net game;  Herb= $8, Paul & Les= $4 each

Tee times;  Mon 2nd- Mohave 8:00 Az time
                  Wed & Fri Huukan 8:00 Az time

                   Dec 11 & 18 - Mohave

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Nov 27  Skins results

Two hole skins;  Ted (1), Ray(1), Dave(1), John R.(2), Herb(1), Roy(L-N), $5 each
$2 carry-over

CTP's;  #5-Herb, #8- Ted, #14- Ray, #17- Paul= $8.50 each

Progressive game:   No progressive

Low-net game ;  John R.= $9,  Ted & Herb $4 each

Tee times;   Fri- Huukan 8:00 Az time

Monday, November 25, 2013

Nov 25 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Tim(1), Don L.(1), Ray(1), Larry M.(L-N)= $9 each, $3 carry-over

CTP's; #5- Gordy, #8- Bob D., #12- Ted, #15- John H.= $4.75 each

Progressive; No progressive, $40 cap on pot

Low net game; Larry M.= $9, John H. & Gordy= $5 each

Tee time;   Wed.  Mohave- 8:00 Az time
                  Fri.  Huukan- 8:00 Az time

Friday, November 22, 2013

Nov 22 Skins results

Three hole skins;  Jay(2),  Lewis(1), Bob S.(1)= $2 each $1 carry-over

CTP's; #5-Lewis, #14-Bob S.-, #17- Jay= $1 each......Woohoo!

Progressive game;  Because there were only three diehards out today, there was no progressive game

Low-Net game; Lewis= $1'50,  Jay & Bob S. .75 each

Really it was not a bad day at all, you just need a pair of big-boy pants

Have a great weekend

Tee times   Mon Huukan 8:00 Az time
                 Wed Mohave 8:00 Az time
                  Fri Huukan 8:00 Az time

Dec 2nd & Dec 11 Mohave 8:00 Az time

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Nov 20 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Lewis(1), Don L.(1), Glen (1), Bob D.(1), Garry(L-N)= $8 each, $3 carry/over 

CTP's; #5-Glen, #8-Bob D., #12-Wally, #15-Paul = $5.25 each

Progressive game;  $21 in progressive pot

Low-net game; Don L=$11, Lewis & Garry= $5 each

Tee time;  Fri Mohave-7:30 Az time, 6:30 Nv time

Nice shot on #12 Wally!  Hit a tree, fell on to the cart path, and bounced on to the green for a KP.  Another Happy Gilmore!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Nov 18 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Bill K.(1), John H.(1), Herb(1), Larry M.(L-N) = $11 each, $1 carry-over

CPT's;  #5 & #12-Less, #8- Larry M., #15- John H.= $5.50

Progressive game; Les wins progressive pot of $55 with two CPT's, Good job!

Low-net game; Larry M.= $11, Roy & Don L.= $5.50 each

Vern is OK, he is going home today.

Tee times;  Wed 20th - Huukan 8:00 Az time
                   Fri 22nd - Mohave 7:35 Az time, 6:35 Nv time

Friday, November 15, 2013

Nov 15 skins results

Two hole skins;  Paul(1), Bob D. (1), Garry(L-N), = $11 each ($1 carry-over)

CTP's;  #5 Scott, #8 Bob D., #14 Paul, #17 Lewis, = $4 each

Progressive game;  No progressive- $33 in pot

Low-net game;  Garry=$8, Lewis & Bob D.= $4 each

Tee times Mon 18th & Wed 20th -Huukan 8:00 Az time  Fri 22nd Mohave- 8:00 Az time, 7:00 Nv time

                 Wed Nov 27th- Mohave 8:00 Az time, 7:00 Nv time

                Dec 2- Mohave-8:00 Az time, 7:00 Nv time

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Nov 13 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Jay(1), Garry(1), Bob D.(1), Bill K.(1), Paul(1), Dave(1), Larry M.(L-N) = $5 each, $2 carry-over

CTP's;  #5- Ron L., #8- Ted, #12-Paul = $5 each ($2 table tip)

Progressive game;  No progressives, $17 in holding for progressive

Low-Net game; Jay=$8, Paul & Larry M.= $4.50 each

Tee times;   Fri Nov 15-Mohave, 8:00 Az time,  7:00 Nv time

Monday, November 11, 2013


                                                              Jay 11/11/13
                                                    Huukan #8 Par 3,  156 yds
                                                               Hole in one
Nov 11 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Ted (1), Paul(1), Jay(2), Jean(1), Larry M.(1), Scott(L-N)= $6 each -$3 carry-over

CTP's;  #5- Paul-$5.25, #8-Jay-$5.25, #12 & #15- Scott wins progressive -$46

Progressive game;  Scott wins progressive with 2 CPT's

Low-net game;  Jay=$11, Scott & Bob S.=$5 each

Next play Huukan - Wed 8:00 Az time (off blue tees)


Friday, November 8, 2013

Nov 8 Skins results

Tow hole skins; Scott (3), Les(1), Don L.(L-N)= $9 each

CTP's;  #5- Tim, #8 & #15-Les, #12-Herb = $9.50 each

Progressive game;  Les qualified today, well done.  We now have 6 qualifiers
John I., Scott,  Bob D., Herb, Jay and Les

Low net game;  Scott=$9, Don L. & Jay=$5 each

Tee time  Mon Huukan-8:00 AZ time
               Wed Huukan-8:00 Az time
                Fri Mohave-8:00 Az time, 7:00 Nv time

Nice round Bob S. and Scott.  
We had 2 eagles today #11- Scott and #16- Jay

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Nov 6 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Garry(2), Bob D.(1), Larry M.(1), Jim C.(1), Jean(L-N)= $7 each

CTP's;  #5-Garry, #8-Scott, #14- Jean, #17- Paul = $10.50 each

Progressive game; 5 qualifiers= John I., Scott, Herb, Bob D., Jay

Low-Net game;  Jean= $11, Jay & Bob D.= $5 each

Tee times;    Fri Nov 8 -Huukan 8:00 Az time
                    Mon & Wed Nov 11 & 13th at Huukan-8:00 Az time
                    Fri Nov 15th - Mohave-8:00 Az time, 7:00 Nv time
                    We will play Mohave Nov 22 and Nov 27th
                    at 8:00 Az time, 7:00 Nv time

Monday, November 4, 2013

Nov 4 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Tim(1), Garry (L-N) = $23 each

CTP's;  #5 -Larry M., #8 -Larry L., #12-Scott, #15- Herb =  $11 each

Progressive game; 5 qualifiers= John I- Sept 30th,  Scott- Oct 7th,  Bob D. & Herb- Oct 28th ,  Jay- Oct 30th

Low net game;  Tim=$12,  Garry & John C.= $6 each

Tee times;  Wed Nov 6th-8:00 Az time, 7:00 Nv time-Mohave
                   Fri Nov 8th- 8:00 Az time-Huukan


Friday, November 1, 2013

Nov 1, 2013  Skins Results

Two  Hole Skins;  Larry M.  Jim C.  Jay.  Don Lowery, Low Net w/o Skin. =$11.00 each.

Ctps;  #5 Dave.  #8 Tim.  #12  Lewis.  # 15  Scott = $11.00 each

Progressive Game; 5 qualifiers= John I Sept 30,  Scott- Oct 7,  Bob D. and Herb Oct 28,  Jay, Oct 30th.

Low net Game;  Don L,  $10.00.  Jean, Scott, John C = $4.00 each.

Next Play Huukan Monday Nov 4, 8 am.  Wends Nov 6, 7 am Mojave.

Have a Nice Weekend.   Fun Fun Fun.