Monday, December 30, 2013

Dec. 30 2013 skins results.

Tim.  Herb.  Ray.  John H.  Don L.  Paul.  Larry Moore. Low net w/o skin Ted.  $4.00 each.


#5 Herb.  #8 Ray.  #12 Don L.  #15 Paul.  $9.00 each.

Low Net Game

Tim $9.00.    and Paul $4.50 each

Next T time Jan 1 Wend Mohave az time. Back to huukan fridat and next Monday 8.00 am az time

                                                Happy Happy New  Years.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Dec 27, Skins results

Two hole skins;  Bill K.(1), (1), Lewis(1), Dave(L-N)= $8 each

CTP's;  #5- Wally,  #8- Herb,  #14- Ted, #17- Jay= $4.50 each

No Progressive

Low-net game;  Dave-$8,  Jean & Paul= $3.50 each

Tee times;   Mon- Huukan  8:00 Az time
                   Wed- Mohave  8:00Az time
                    Fri- Huukan   8:00az time

Monday, December 23, 2013

Dec 23 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Bob S.(1),  Jay(1), Don(1), Paul(2),  Dave(L-N),  =$4 each, $2 carry-over

CPT's;  #5- Don L.,  #8-Jay,  #12-Herb,  #15-Dean= $3.50 each

No Progressive

Low-Net;  Dave=$5 each,  Jean & Don= $4 each

Tee Times;  Fri. Mohave, 8.00 am az time. Monday back to Huukan az time.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Dec 20 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Lewis(1), Paul(2),  Ted(1), Ray(1), Wally(1), Bob S.(1), Dave(L-N)= $4 each

CPT's;  #5-Dave,  #15-Herb, =$7 each

No progressive

Low-net game;  Paul=$6,  Bob S. & Dave= $4 each

Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dec 18 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Wally(1),  Lewis(1), Herb(1), Loyde(1), Jean(L-N)= $8 each , $2 carry-over

CTP's;  #5- Dean,  #8 & #17- Herb, #14- Paul Hartly=  $5 each

Progressive game;   Herb wins progressive with two CTP's.   Good job Herb
Total $71.50

Low-net game;  Jean=$11,  Paul  & Herb=$5 each

Tee times    Fri, Dec 20th-  Huukan 8:00 Az time
                  Mon Dec 23rd-  Huukan 8;00 Az time
                  Wed Dec 25th-  Merry Christmas
                      Fri  Dec 27th-  Mohave 8:00 Az time

Monday, December 16, 2013

Dec 16 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Ted(1), Tim(3). Dean(1), Paul(L-N)= $6 each, $2 carry-over

CTP's;  #5- John H., #8-Lewis, #15- Dean= $5 each

No Progressive

Low-Net game; Paul=$8,  Gordy & Tim=$4.50 each

Friday, December 13, 2013

skins results December 13 2013

Don L. -2  Ted-1  Paul-2  Lewis low net w/o skins.  $5.00 each with $4.00 carry over.

CPt,s  #5 Gordy.  #112 Paul.  #15 Herb.  $5.00 each.

Low Net Game.  Don L.$7.00.  Paul and Lewis $4.00 each.

Super Nice day No Wind.

Next Play Monday, Dec. 16. Huukan 8.00 am  Wend Mohave 8 am.

Have a nice weekend.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dec 11 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Bob S.(1), Paul(2), Herb(1), Jean(L-N)= $5 each, $4 carry-over

CTP's;  #5-Jean,  #8 Larry M.,  #14-Tim,  #17- Ray= $3 each, $1 tip

No Progressive game

Low net;  Paul=$6,  Herb & Jean= $3.50

Fri- Huukan 8:00 Az time

Monday, December 9, 2013

    Above From right to left; Bob S.,  Wally,  Paul,  Lewis,  Larry M., Bob D. Ray,
                         front center;   Jay

Dec 9 Skins results

Three hole skin;  Bob S.(1), Lewis(1), Paul(1), Bob D.(L-N)=  $4 each, $3 carry-over

CTP's;  #5- Ray, #8-Bob D.= $4 each

No Progressive game; $8 in progressive pot

Low-net game; Lewis= $4,  Bob S. & Bob D. $2 each

Tee time Wed-Mohave 8:00 Az time

Friday, December 6, 2013

Dec 6 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Herb(2),  Paul(2),  Dean(1),  Bob S.(1),  Gordy(L-n),  $3 3ach, $3 carry-over

CTP's;  #5 & #8-Ray, #12- Paul,  #15- Bob S. = $2.75 each

Progressive game;   Ray won the progressive pot of $51  Way to go Ray!

Low-net game;  Paul=$5,  Gordy & Bob S. $3 each

Tee Time   Huukan Mon & FRi  8:00 AZ time
                  Wed Mohave 8:00 Az time

Have a nice weekend

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Dec 4 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Paul(1), Jay(1), Bob D.(1), Jean(L-N)= $6 each, $2 carry-over

CTP's;  #5- Ray, #12-Paul, #15 Bob S.= $8 each

No Progressive

Low-Net game;  Jean= $6, Paul & Ray= $3 each

Tee times;  Fri- Huukan 8:00 Az time

Monday, December 2, 2013

Dec 2 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Bob S. (1), Garry(1), Lewis(1), Bill K.(L-N)= $9 each

CTP's;  #5- Don L., #8- Garry, #14- Bob D., #17- Bob S.= $8 each

No progressive

Low-net game;  Garry=$8,  Bill K. & Lewis $4 each

Tee times   Huukan Wed & Fri - 8:00 Az time

Friday, November 29, 2013

Nov 29 Skins results

Two hole skins; Paul(1), Bill K.(1), Herb (1), John R.(1), Jean(L-N)= $6 each, $4 carry-over

CTP's;  #5 John C. , #8 Herb, #15 Lewis, = $10.50 each

No Progressive; $40 Cap

Low -net game;  Herb= $8, Paul & Les= $4 each

Tee times;  Mon 2nd- Mohave 8:00 Az time
                  Wed & Fri Huukan 8:00 Az time

                   Dec 11 & 18 - Mohave

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Nov 27  Skins results

Two hole skins;  Ted (1), Ray(1), Dave(1), John R.(2), Herb(1), Roy(L-N), $5 each
$2 carry-over

CTP's;  #5-Herb, #8- Ted, #14- Ray, #17- Paul= $8.50 each

Progressive game:   No progressive

Low-net game ;  John R.= $9,  Ted & Herb $4 each

Tee times;   Fri- Huukan 8:00 Az time

Monday, November 25, 2013

Nov 25 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Tim(1), Don L.(1), Ray(1), Larry M.(L-N)= $9 each, $3 carry-over

CTP's; #5- Gordy, #8- Bob D., #12- Ted, #15- John H.= $4.75 each

Progressive; No progressive, $40 cap on pot

Low net game; Larry M.= $9, John H. & Gordy= $5 each

Tee time;   Wed.  Mohave- 8:00 Az time
                  Fri.  Huukan- 8:00 Az time

Friday, November 22, 2013

Nov 22 Skins results

Three hole skins;  Jay(2),  Lewis(1), Bob S.(1)= $2 each $1 carry-over

CTP's; #5-Lewis, #14-Bob S.-, #17- Jay= $1 each......Woohoo!

Progressive game;  Because there were only three diehards out today, there was no progressive game

Low-Net game; Lewis= $1'50,  Jay & Bob S. .75 each

Really it was not a bad day at all, you just need a pair of big-boy pants

Have a great weekend

Tee times   Mon Huukan 8:00 Az time
                 Wed Mohave 8:00 Az time
                  Fri Huukan 8:00 Az time

Dec 2nd & Dec 11 Mohave 8:00 Az time

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Nov 20 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Lewis(1), Don L.(1), Glen (1), Bob D.(1), Garry(L-N)= $8 each, $3 carry/over 

CTP's; #5-Glen, #8-Bob D., #12-Wally, #15-Paul = $5.25 each

Progressive game;  $21 in progressive pot

Low-net game; Don L=$11, Lewis & Garry= $5 each

Tee time;  Fri Mohave-7:30 Az time, 6:30 Nv time

Nice shot on #12 Wally!  Hit a tree, fell on to the cart path, and bounced on to the green for a KP.  Another Happy Gilmore!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Nov 18 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Bill K.(1), John H.(1), Herb(1), Larry M.(L-N) = $11 each, $1 carry-over

CPT's;  #5 & #12-Less, #8- Larry M., #15- John H.= $5.50

Progressive game; Les wins progressive pot of $55 with two CPT's, Good job!

Low-net game; Larry M.= $11, Roy & Don L.= $5.50 each

Vern is OK, he is going home today.

Tee times;  Wed 20th - Huukan 8:00 Az time
                   Fri 22nd - Mohave 7:35 Az time, 6:35 Nv time

Friday, November 15, 2013

Nov 15 skins results

Two hole skins;  Paul(1), Bob D. (1), Garry(L-N), = $11 each ($1 carry-over)

CTP's;  #5 Scott, #8 Bob D., #14 Paul, #17 Lewis, = $4 each

Progressive game;  No progressive- $33 in pot

Low-net game;  Garry=$8, Lewis & Bob D.= $4 each

Tee times Mon 18th & Wed 20th -Huukan 8:00 Az time  Fri 22nd Mohave- 8:00 Az time, 7:00 Nv time

                 Wed Nov 27th- Mohave 8:00 Az time, 7:00 Nv time

                Dec 2- Mohave-8:00 Az time, 7:00 Nv time

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Nov 13 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Jay(1), Garry(1), Bob D.(1), Bill K.(1), Paul(1), Dave(1), Larry M.(L-N) = $5 each, $2 carry-over

CTP's;  #5- Ron L., #8- Ted, #12-Paul = $5 each ($2 table tip)

Progressive game;  No progressives, $17 in holding for progressive

Low-Net game; Jay=$8, Paul & Larry M.= $4.50 each

Tee times;   Fri Nov 15-Mohave, 8:00 Az time,  7:00 Nv time

Monday, November 11, 2013


                                                              Jay 11/11/13
                                                    Huukan #8 Par 3,  156 yds
                                                               Hole in one
Nov 11 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Ted (1), Paul(1), Jay(2), Jean(1), Larry M.(1), Scott(L-N)= $6 each -$3 carry-over

CTP's;  #5- Paul-$5.25, #8-Jay-$5.25, #12 & #15- Scott wins progressive -$46

Progressive game;  Scott wins progressive with 2 CPT's

Low-net game;  Jay=$11, Scott & Bob S.=$5 each

Next play Huukan - Wed 8:00 Az time (off blue tees)


Friday, November 8, 2013

Nov 8 Skins results

Tow hole skins; Scott (3), Les(1), Don L.(L-N)= $9 each

CTP's;  #5- Tim, #8 & #15-Les, #12-Herb = $9.50 each

Progressive game;  Les qualified today, well done.  We now have 6 qualifiers
John I., Scott,  Bob D., Herb, Jay and Les

Low net game;  Scott=$9, Don L. & Jay=$5 each

Tee time  Mon Huukan-8:00 AZ time
               Wed Huukan-8:00 Az time
                Fri Mohave-8:00 Az time, 7:00 Nv time

Nice round Bob S. and Scott.  
We had 2 eagles today #11- Scott and #16- Jay

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Nov 6 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Garry(2), Bob D.(1), Larry M.(1), Jim C.(1), Jean(L-N)= $7 each

CTP's;  #5-Garry, #8-Scott, #14- Jean, #17- Paul = $10.50 each

Progressive game; 5 qualifiers= John I., Scott, Herb, Bob D., Jay

Low-Net game;  Jean= $11, Jay & Bob D.= $5 each

Tee times;    Fri Nov 8 -Huukan 8:00 Az time
                    Mon & Wed Nov 11 & 13th at Huukan-8:00 Az time
                    Fri Nov 15th - Mohave-8:00 Az time, 7:00 Nv time
                    We will play Mohave Nov 22 and Nov 27th
                    at 8:00 Az time, 7:00 Nv time

Monday, November 4, 2013

Nov 4 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Tim(1), Garry (L-N) = $23 each

CTP's;  #5 -Larry M., #8 -Larry L., #12-Scott, #15- Herb =  $11 each

Progressive game; 5 qualifiers= John I- Sept 30th,  Scott- Oct 7th,  Bob D. & Herb- Oct 28th ,  Jay- Oct 30th

Low net game;  Tim=$12,  Garry & John C.= $6 each

Tee times;  Wed Nov 6th-8:00 Az time, 7:00 Nv time-Mohave
                   Fri Nov 8th- 8:00 Az time-Huukan


Friday, November 1, 2013

Nov 1, 2013  Skins Results

Two  Hole Skins;  Larry M.  Jim C.  Jay.  Don Lowery, Low Net w/o Skin. =$11.00 each.

Ctps;  #5 Dave.  #8 Tim.  #12  Lewis.  # 15  Scott = $11.00 each

Progressive Game; 5 qualifiers= John I Sept 30,  Scott- Oct 7,  Bob D. and Herb Oct 28,  Jay, Oct 30th.

Low net Game;  Don L,  $10.00.  Jean, Scott, John C = $4.00 each.

Next Play Huukan Monday Nov 4, 8 am.  Wends Nov 6, 7 am Mojave.

Have a Nice Weekend.   Fun Fun Fun.



Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Oct 30 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Lewis(2), Jay(1), Jean(L-N) = $12each

CTP's;  #5-Jim C., #8, #12, #15-Jay = $12 each

Progressive game; 5 Qualifiers= John I.- Sept 30th, Scott-Oct 7th, Bob D.& Herb- Oct 28th,  Jay-Oct 30th

Low-net game; Jean=$12,  Lewis & Garry=$6 each

Tee time-Huukan 8:00 Fri


Monday, October 28, 2013

Oct 28 Skins results

Two Hole skins;  $10 each= Paul(1), Don S.(2), Vern(L-N) $3 carry-over

CTP,s;  #5 & #8-Herb., Bob D.-#12 & #15 = $10 each

Progressive game; 4 qualifiers= John I.-Sept 30,  Scott- Oct 7,  Bob D.- Oct 28,  Herb- Oct 28

Low-net game;  Don S.= $10,  Paul & Vern = $5 each

With Bob D. and Herb we now have 4 qualifiers for the progressive pot!  Good job! 

Sorry for the error in the blog, Bob D. and Herb were the qualifiers for the progressive game.     

Tee  times:  Wed 30 & Fri 1- Huukan 8:00
                    Mon 4-Huukan 8:00
                    Wed 6 -Mohave 6:00 Nv time or 7:00 Az time
                    Fri 8, Mon 11, Wed 13- Huukan 8:00
                    Fri 15 -Mohave 6:00 Nv time or 7:00 Az time
 We will play at Mohave again at 6:30 Nv time or 7:30 Az time on Fri the 22 of Nov                

Wind gusts today up to 60 miles per hour

Friday, October 25, 2013

 Oct 25                                            Bobby D.  hitting balls.

 Skins results

Two hole skins; Herb (1),  Scott (1),  John C. (1),  Paul (L-N)= $10 each.

CTP's;.  #5 Wally,  #8 Bob D,  #12  Garry RR,  #15  Don L, = $10.50 each

Low Net  Game;  Paul- $10.00; - Les and Gordy- $5.00 each

No progressive, 2 Qualifiers John I- Sept 30th & Scott - Oct 7th

Tee Times; Huukan- Monday, Wed,  Fri, 8:00 am. 

Randy is excited that so many of us want to sign up for the Huukan and Mohave Men's

Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Oct 23 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Scott(1),  Garry(1), Larry N.(1), Bob D.(1), Jay(1), Jim(1), Roy(L-N) = each $5. $1 carry-over

CTP's;  #5 Less,  #8 Paul, #12 Herb,  #15 Bob D. = #9 each
Progressive game; 2 qualifiers= John I.-Sept 30th & Scott- Oct 7

Low net game;  Roy=$9,  John C.=$4.50, Larry M., Don, Paul, & ( ? )=$1 each

It's sure good to have the old group back together plus all the new guys!

See ya  Fri-  8:00 Huukan

Monday, October 21, 2013

Oct 21 Skins results

Three hole skins;  $9.00 each= Bill K.(1), Jay(1), Larry M.(L-N)

CTP's;  #5- Gordy, #8- Scott, #14 Larry N., #17 Herb = #9.50 each

Progressive game;  2 qualifiers= John I.- Sept 30th & Scott-Oct 7th

Low net game;  Larry M.=$9,  Scott and Don l.= $5 each

Wed and Fri at Huukan at 8:00

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday October 18 2013

Skins results

Three hole skins; $13 each Larry M. (1), Less(L-N)

CTP's;  # 3 Jay,  # 5 Larry M,  # 14 Vern,= $7 each. $1.00 tip

Low net game;  Less $5,  Dave & Larry M. $3 each.

Progressive game;  2 qualifiers = John I.- Sept 30 & Scott-Oct 7

Tee times;   Mon Oct 21 -  Mohave 7:00
                   Wed  Oct 23 thru Nov 4 -  Huukan 8:00
                   Wed Nov 6 - Mohave -  7:00 Arizona time
                    Fri Nov 8 thru Nov 13 - Huukan 8:00
                    Fri  Nov 15 - Mohave- 7:00 Arizona time

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oct 16 Skins results

Three hole skins;  $3 each = Bob D. (3), Dave(1), Less(1), Larry L.(1), Vern(L-N) $4 carry-over

CTP's;  #3-John I.,  #5 Less, #14 John C., #16 Jay = $6 each

Progressive game; 2 qualifiers=John I.- Sept 30 & Scott- Oct 7

Low-net game;  Bob D.= $6, Vern & Dave=$3 each

Tee times;   Fri,  Oct 18- El Rio 7:00
                  Mon, Oct 21- Mohave 7:00
                  Wed, Oct 23 & Fri, Oct 25- Huukan 8:00