Wednesday, May 30, 2018

5/30/18                                         Tee Times  &  Game Results

Tee Times

5/31   Huukan   Tee 6.34
6/1     Avi           Tee 6.50
6/2     Huukan     Tee 6.34
6/3     Huukan     Tee 706
6/4     Avi             Tee 6.25

Game Results

7 Players                  Pot 49.00

Ctp   #5   DC     #8  Kurt    #14  Jay    #17  Matt    Paid  3.50 Eacgh

Low Net    1 Ray  9.00    2  Dave  7.00   3  Jay  6.00

Skins   Jay  3,  DC 1,   Ray 1, paid 2.75 each
Nice Day at the Avi

Monday, May 28, 2018

5/28/18                                   Tee Time  & Game Results

Upcoming Tee  Times

5/29/18  Huukan  Tee 6.42
5/30/18  Avi          Tee 6.42

Note New Rule by OBS manage group 14 days of tee times is allow. That means I have two weeks of tee time bases on the number of players sign up.  1-4 players 1 tee time, 5-8 players 2 tee times and so on. whatever is in the book I get, but the book is running way Late you can not come in on monday, not sign up and play unless you get lucky  One player cannot play Wednesday for not signing up  it a shame and could have been prevented by a few looks a the book.

June 11   only place to play is  Huukan  do to work being done at the Avi June 11 & 12.

Game Results

Ctp  #5 Ray  #12  Ray,  #8  Jay  #17  Jay   paid 8.00 each

Low Net  1 Ken 10.00   2 Jay 8.00  3 Larry 6.00

Skins   Jay,   DC,  Larry,  Matt, Ken  Paid 3.00 each

Saturday, May 26, 2018

5/25/18                                              Game Results

8 Players                                     Pot 56.00

CTP  #5  Ray,  #8 DC    #14 Tommy   #17  DC  paid 4.00 each

Low Net  1  Ken  10.00   2 Ray 8.00 3 Tommy 6

Skins  Ray1, Jay 1, Ken 1  Paid 5.25 Each

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

5/23/18                              Tee Times  & Game Results

Tee Times

5/24   Huukan    Tee 6.42
5/25   Avi            Tee 6.42
5/26   Huukan      Tee 6.42
5/27   Huukan      Tee 6.42
5/28   Avi             Tee 6.42

Avi is book for 8 players  the last  two outing  we had  9 players each this is not a problem if  I Know that There going to need more tee time IN ADVANCE OF the play  Date  Sign Up early. the last person may have to go home, don't let it be you .

Game Results  5/23

9 Players    pot 63.00           we had tee times for 8 today ,Avi let it side but said no more

CTP   #5  Jay   #8  Jay   #14  Ken   #17  Tom   paid 4.50 each

Low Net   1 Matt 11.00   2 Kem 9.00  3 Tom 7.00

Skins   Ken 1, Dave 1, Matt 1,    Paid 6.00
very cool

Monday, May 21, 2018

5/21/18                          Tee Times  & Game Results

Tee Times

5/22/18   Huukan   Tee 642
5/23/18    Avi          Tee 7.16

Game Results

9 Players                          Pot 63.00

Ctp   #5  Jay   #8  Tommy  #12  Larry  #15  Kurt    paid 4.50  each

Low Net   1  Ken  11.00    2  Kurt 9.00  3  Matt  7.00

Skins  Ray 1, Ken 1, Kurt 1,  Paid 6.00 Each
Dave Tee Ball on 17 over the water an into the  wood some more of dave good luck

Friday, May 18, 2018

5/18/18                                           Game Results

 8 Players                                      Pot 56.00

Ctp   #5 & 17 Kurt  #8 Ray  #12 Jay  Paid 4.00

Low Net  1 Kurt 10.00  2 Matt  8.00  3 Larry 6.oo

Skins  Kurt 2, Ray 2, Paid  4.00 each

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

5/16/18                             Tee Times  & Game Results

Tee Time

Thur   5/17/18    Huukan     Tee 6.26
Fri      5/18/18     Avi            Tee 6.50
Sat      5/19/18    Huukan      Tee 6.15
Sun     5/20/18    Huukan       Tee 6.15
Mon    5/21/18    Avi              Tee 6.42

Game Results for  5/16/18

8 Players                    Pot  56.00

Ctp   5,8,12  Ken     17, Ray   Paid 4.00 for each

Low Net  1 Ray 10.00   2  Ken  8.00   3 Larry 6.00

Skins    Ray 1, Ken 1  8.00 Each
Avi Hole # 8

Monday, May 14, 2018

5/14/18                                             Tee Times  &  Game Results

Tee Times                        Tee Times are being this way to keep all players playing both courses and it helps to keep good relations with both courses.

Tee Time

5/15/18   Huukan  6.24
5/16/18    AVI  6.25/6.33
5/17/18   Huukan  6.42

Tee Time For AVI will be Monday,  Wednesday, and Fri
Tee Time For Huukan will be all other days

Game Results

9 Players         Pot 63.00

Ctp  #5 & 15  Ray,  # 8  & 12  Jay    Paid 9.00 each

Low Net   1 Tommy  11.00  2 Ken 9.00   3 Greg  7.00

Skins   Ray,  Greg,  Ken   paid 6.00 each

Friday, May 11, 2018

5/11/18                                          Game Result

7 Players        Pot 49.00

Ctp  # 5 DC   # 8 Tommy   #12 Tommy   #15  Larry  Paid 3.50

Low Net  1 Tommy  9.00   2 Matt  7.00  3Larry 5.00

Skins  Tommy 2,  DC 1, Larry 1,  Ken 1, Matt 1,  paid 2.25

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

5/9/18                                      Tee Time  &  Game Results

Tee Times  All At Huukan

5/10   6.15
5/11    6.15
5/12    6.24
5/13    6.15
5/14    6.42

Per The GM  of Mohave  I can start booking  times 14 days in advance at Mohave

Game Results  5/9/18

Ctp  #5  Tommy   #8  Ray   #12 Ray  #15  Ray  paid 3.50 each

Low Net    1  Tommy 9.00   2 DC  7.00  3 Ray  5.00

Skins DC  2,    Ray 1,  Tommy 1,   paid 3.50 each

Monday, May 7, 2018

5/7/18                          TEE Times & Game Results

Tee Times
5/8/18     Huukan    Tee 6.15
5/9/18     Avi            Tee 6.16

Game Results   5/7/18

8 Players                         Pot   56.00

Ctp    #5  DC    #8  xx    #12  Matt     #15   Tommy    paid 5.25 each

Low Net   1 Ray  10.00     2  Tom  8.00     3  Matt  6.00

Skins   Ken 2,  Ray 1   Paid 5.25 Each

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

5/2/18                                        Tee Times   &    Game Results

Tee Time   All at Huukan
5/3/18    Tee  6.24
5/4/18     Tee 6.24
5/5/18      Tee  6.24
5/6/18      Tee 6.24
5/7/18       Tee  6.15

Game Results  5/2/18

7 Players                                Pot   49.00

Ctp    #5  Ray     #8  Larry    #12  Dave    #15  Ken  paid 3.50 each

Low Net   1 Dave  9.00   2 Ray 7.00  3  Larry  5.00

Skins  DC 1,   Ray 1,  Dave 1,   Paid  4.50