Wednesday, January 31, 2018

1/31/18                                  Tee Time & Game Results

Tee Time

2/1/18     Thursday   Huukan     Tee Time   8.48/857           8 Players        No open spots
2/2/18      Friday       Huukan     Tee Time   7.36/7.45/7.54  12 Players     4 open spots
2/3/18     Saturday    Huukan      Tee Time  8.39/8.48/8.57  12 Players     4 open spots
2/4/18     Sunday      Huukan      Tee Time   8.03                  4   Players     2  open spots

Tee Time are Made up to 3  WEEKS  early Fitting in front of the mens club and other goups
Please sign up early to play not the morning you walk in, The Book is there every day, try to be at lease one week out so everyone can play and we get the right amount of tee times

Game Results
10 Players        Pot 65.00

Ctp  #5  Jeff   #8 Tom  #12 Ray # 15  Matt   Paid 5.00 each

Low Net  1 Dave  11.00  2 Larry 9.00  3 John  7.00

Skins Jay 2, Larry 1, John 1,  Paid  4.50

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

1/30/18                       Tee Times & Game Results

Tee Times

1/31/18    Huukan   Tee Times  7.36/7.45/7.54   9 Players sign up   opening for 12 total

2/1/18      Huukan    Tee Times  8.48/8.57     8 Players sign up     opening for  none

Game Results


8 Players                   Pot 51.00

Ctp   #5  Scott    #8  Bob     #12 xx    # 15  Jay  Paid 5.25 each

Low Net   1 Rick  9.00     2 Jay 7.00    3  Dave  5.00

Skins    Scott,  Ray,  Dan,   1 each  paid 4.50 each
wind again

Monday, January 29, 2018

1/29/18                                     Tee Time & Game Results

Tee Times

1/30/18      Huukan   Tee Time  7.36/7.45

1/31/18      Huukan    Tee Time  7.36/7.45/7.54

Game Results


Ctp   #5  XX   #8 Ray   #12  XX    #17  Bob  8.00 each

Low Net  1 Ron 9.00  2 Dave 7.00  3 Tom  5.00

Skins  Tom 2,   Ken 1,   Paid 4.50 each

Saturday, January 27, 2018

1/27/18                              Tee Times &  Game Results

Tee Times

1/29/18   Huukan    Tee  7.30

1/30/18   Huukan     Tee  7.36

1/31/18    Huukan     Tee 7.36

Game Results


Ctp   #5  Rick   #8  Rick   #12  xxx    #15  Dave   paid 5.25 each

Low Net  1 Rick 9.00  2 Dan  7.00   3 Dave  4.00

Skins  Kurt 2,  Juan 1, Rick 1,   Paid 3.50

Friday, January 26, 2018

1/26/18                                     Game Results

10 Players                                  65.00

Ctp  #5 Scott  #8  Kurt  #12  Kurt   #15 xxx Paid 6.50 each

Low Net  1 Scott 11.00  2  Larry 9.00  Tommy 7.00

Skins   DC 1,   Scott 1,  Jay 1,   Paid 6.00
Jay  & Kelly   Don't  know the rabbit ears guy

Thursday, January 25, 2018

1/25/18                              Tee Times & Game Result

Tee Times Posted on 1/24/18 blog

Game Results

6 Players                                Total Pot 37.00

Ctp   #5  Scott  #8  Rick  #12 Rick   #15 Tommy   Paid 3.00 each

Low Net  1 Scott   2 Rick 6.00

Skins  Scott 3,   Rick 3,    Paid 5.00
do your job

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

1/24/18                                     Tee Time & Game Results

TEE Times

1/25/18        Huukan    Tee 7.36     AZ Time Only

1/26/18        Huukan     Tee 7.36

Game Result 

1/24/18   Ctp   #5  Bob    #8  Ray    #14  Jay    #17   Greg   paid 4.00 each

Low Net    1 Ray  8.00    2 Dave 6.00  3  Greg  4.00

Skins  Ray  4      Paid  12.00
Bob Mort dreaming about birds and pars before  the game

Monday, January 22, 2018

1/22/18                           Tee Times & Game Results

Tee Times

1/23/18   Mohave  Tee Time 8.58/9.07  AZ time
1/24/18   Mohave   Tee Time  8.41/8.50/8.58   AZ Time

Game Results  1/22/18

Ctp  #5 Larry   #8 Tommy   #12  Ray    #17 Ron   Paid 5.00

Low Net   1 Ray  11.00  2 Matt 9.00  3 Ron  7.00

Skins  Glenn 1,   Ray 3,  Paid 4.50 each

Sunday, January 21, 2018

1/21/18                            Tee Times


1/22/18   Tee Time 8.58/9.07/9.15  AZ time
1/23/18    Tee Time 8.58/9.07  AZ Time
1/24/18    Tee Time  8.41/8.50/8.58   AZ Time

Friday, January 19, 2018

1/19/18                                      TEE Time & Game Results

Tee Times Posted  on Thursday still good

Game Results

12 Players                                        Total Pot 79.00

Ctp   #5  Bob    #  8 Matt     #14  Scott   # 17 Kurt Paid 6.00 each

Low Net   1 Jay  12.00  2  Ron 10.00  3 Kurt  6.00  4 Ken  5.00

Skins  Ken 1, Matt 1,  Paid  11.00

Thursday, January 18, 2018

1/18/18                              Tee Times & Game Results

Tee Times Posted on  1/17/18
No changes


Game Results

7 Players                             Total Pot   44.00

Ctp     Ray got 3 Out 4     #4 not Hit   Ray 14.00

Low Net 1 Rick 8.00  2  Matt 6.00    3 Ray 4.00

Skins  Ray 3,  Ken 2,  Rick 1,   Paid 2.00 each
A group of the big ugly's

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

1/17/18                        TEE TIMES & GAME RESULTS

1/18/18      Mohave   AZ Time  Tee Times 8.16/8.24
1/19/18      Mohave   AZ Time Tee Times 8.50/8.58/9.04
1/20/18      Mohave   AZ  Time  Tee Times 8.24/8.32

Game  Results

Ctp   # 5  Ken   #  Bob   #14 Dave  #17  Ken Paid 4.50 each

Low Net  1 Ray 8.00  2 Ken  6.00  3 Jay 4.00

Skins  Ken 2,  Ray 1,  Jay 1,  Paid 3.00 each
The Last Group Of Ducks

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

1/16/18                                    Tee Times & Game Results

Tee Times

17 Jan 2018    Mohave   AZ Time  8.33/8.41/8.50   10 Players  Room for 12
18 Jan 2018    Mohave   AZ  Time  8.16/8.24             7 Player   Room for   8

I am giving up tracking date played and score shot ,so no score cards are needed by me, Ray will still be checking entry of scores into the handicap system .

Game Results 1/16

7 Players      Total Pot 44.00

Ctp    #5  Dave   #8  Jay   # 14 Scott  #17 Scott  Paid 3.50 each

Low Net  1 Rick  8.00   2 Jay  6.00   3 Ray 4.00

Skins All  Rick   12.00

keep updated look at the blog

Monday, January 15, 2018

1/15/18                                       TEE TIMES & GAME RESULTS

Tee Time

`1/17/18  Mohave   8.07/8.16  Thats AZ Time   7 Players Need 1

 1/18/18  Mohave   8.33/8.41/8.50  Thats 
Az Time 10 Players Need 2

My sincere apology to all players about this morning I try improve on the  group  so there are lot of players. please continue to used the sign up book early and  I will try to make sure there is space for everyone. Thanks to the people that when home I hope that does not happen again.

8 Players    41.00 Total

Ctp    #5 DC  #8  Bob   #14  Bob  #17  DC  4.00 each

Low Net  1 Dc 9.00  2 Tommy  6.00

Skins   DC 2,  Ken 1, 3.25 each

Saturday, January 13, 2018

1/13/18                                  Game Results & Tee Times


1/14/18    Mohave    8.30  Az Time
1/15/18    Mohave     8.33  Az Time    Do not know how Many

Game Results


CTP   #5  Ray   #8  Ray   #14  Ray   #17  Ken paid 4.50 each

Low Net  1 Ken  10.00   2  Matt  8.00  3 Jay  6.00

Skins  Ken 1  Scott 1,  Ray 1   4.00 each


CTP    #5 Rick  #8 Ray   #14   xx    #17  Rick  paid   4.00 each

Low Net    1 Rick 9.00    2 Matt  6.00

Skins   Ray 2,   Rick 1 Paid  3.25 each

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

1/10/18                                    Tee Times & Game Results

Tee Times

1/11/18    Mohave    Az Time   Tee Time 8.24/8.33

1/12/18     Mohave   Az Time     Tee Time  8.41/8.50/ 8.58

1/13/18     Huukan    Az Time    Tee time  7.36/7.45

1/14/18     Huukan    Az Time    Tee Time  7.36

Game Result 1/10/18

CTP   #5 Ray   #8  Tommy    #14  Ray   #17  Jay  paid 3.50 each

Low Net  1 Ken  9.00   2 Dave  7.00  3 Jay  5.00

Skins   Jay 1,  Ray 1,  Ken 1,  Paid 4.50 each

Monday, January 8, 2018

1/8/18                                   Tee Times & Game Results

Tee Times

9 Jan 2018    Mohave   Tee Times    8.06/8.16   Az Time

10 Jan 2018   Mohave  Tee Times    8.06/8.16/8.24  Az  Time

Game Results

CTP   #5 Ken    #8  John    #14  Dave    #17   Dave  Paid  5.50 Each

Low Net   1 Ray  12.00   2 Dave 10.00   3 DC  6.00  4  Matt 5.00

Two Hole Skins  John 2,  Ray 2,  Ken 1,  Dave 1  paid 3.50 each

Saturday, January 6, 2018

1/6/18                                     Tee Time and Results

Next  Games

1/7/18   Sunday  Tee Time 8.25 Az Time  Mohave
1/8/18   Monday Tee Time 8.16/8.24/8.33  Az  Mohave

Game Results


CTP  # 5 Ray  # 8 Ray  #  14  Kurt  #17 Tom paid 4.00

Low Net  1 Rick  10.  2 Matt 8.00  3 Jay 6.00

Skins  Ray 1  Rick 3  Paid 4.00  each


CTP  #5 Scott   # 8  Larry  #14 Ken  #17 Angelo  paid 5.00 each

Low Net  1 Ray 11.00   2 Ken 9.00 3 Larry 7.00

Skins  Angelo 1    Ray 2 paid 6.50 each


CTP  #5  Jerry  #8  Jerry  #12 Ray   #17  Rick  Paid 3.00 each

Low Net  1 Rick  8.00  2 Ray  6.00  3 Jerry 4.00

Skins  Rick 3  Ray 1  paid  3.00 Each

Done yea

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

1/3/18                                   Tee Times           &                Game Results

Tee Times

1/4/18    Mohave   Az time  8.16/8.24
1/5/18    Mohave   Az Time  8.41/8.50/8.58

1/3/18  Game Results

CTP    #5   xxx    #8  Tommy     #12  Matt    #17   Tommy     Paid  4.50

Low Net   1 Tommy   9.00    2  Ray  7.00     3  Ken   5.00

Skins   Ray  1     Larry    1     Jay 1    Paid 4.50   Each
Colorado  Inports

Tuesday, January 2, 2018


Next Game    Huukan   7.36/ 7.45/ 7.54
hope they used this up

Monday, January 1, 2018

1/1/2018                                              Golf Bunch

Next Game  1/2/18   Mohave   724/7.33/7.41    Nv time

9 Players                                           Total Pot  63.00

CTP  #5  Larry    #8  Ken    #12  John     #17  Ray   paid 4.50 each

Low Net   1 Larry  11.00   2 Jay  9.00   3  Ken  7.00

Skins  John,  Ray,   Ken,   Larry  paid 4.50 each