Monday, May 30, 2016

5/30/16                                             Game Results

7 Players                                          Total pot 49.00

CTP  #5  Jay  #8 xxxx  #12 Herb   #15 Jay   paid 3.50 each

Low Net 1 Ken 9.00    2 Ron 7.00     3 Larry 5.00

Skins  Ken 2 each paid 9.00   Herb 1 paid 4.50

Next Game  1June at huukan Tee time is 6.46
here you are jay from last Memorial Day remember the ones that gave it all for our freedom

Friday, May 27, 2016

5/27/16                                              Game Results

5 Players                         Total Pot 35.00

CTP    # 5 Ken  # 8 Dave  #12 xxx  #15 xxx   5.00 each

Low Net   1. Jay 9.00   2 Dave 6.00

Skins  Jay, Dave, Juan, Ken  2.50 each

Next Game  Monday 30 May  6.46 Tee time
Jay and Juan watching a golfer hit a great shot !! why to go Dave

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

5/25/16                                              Game Results

7 Players, 1 add on                         Total Pot 53.00

CTP  #5 Ken  #8 Ron  # 12 Greg  #15 Ken          paid 4.00 per CTP

Low Net   1 Dave  9.00  2 Greg  7.00  3 Herb 5.00

Skins 5.25 each paid to Dave, Herb, Greg

Next Game Friday 27 May  at Huukan  Tee time 6.46
Did anyone see it where did it go it felt really good

Monday, May 23, 2016

5/23/16                                                    Game Results

CTP     #5 Jay  #8 XX   #12 Larry  #15 Ken  all wining 4.00

Low Net  1 Ron 9.00    2 Ken 6.00

Skins Ken , Larry , Jay all winning 4.00

Next Game Wednesday 25 May at Huukan Tee Time 6.46
Larry the orange tiger

Friday, May 20, 2016

5/20/16                                                 Game Results

CTP       #5 Dave    #8 Ken  #12 & 15  Herb  5.00 to Herb 2.50 Dave and Ken

Low Net   1. Dave  9.00    2. Ken 6.00

Skins   Ken   and  Dave 5.00 each

Next Game 23 May at Huukan  Tee time 6.46
a little windy today     old pic having trouble update I Phone

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

5/18/16                                         Game Results

7 Players                                   47 in the pot

CTP      #5 XXX            #8 Herb           #12  Larry        #15 Dave  all winning 4.50

Low Net  1 Herb 9.00   2 Jay  7.00    3 Larry 5.00

Skins  Jay 2 each paid 8.00   Herb 1 each paid 4.00

Next Game Friday 20 May at Huukan  6.46 Tee time

Monday, May 16, 2016

5/16/16                                  Game Results

7 Players                       49.00 Total

CTP     #5 Herb  #12 Herb  #8 Jay  #15 Ken  3.50 each

Low Net         1 Bob 9.00  2 Herb 7.00  3 Jay 5.00

Skins   Split Herb 2 Skins Jay 2 Skins Paid 3.50 each

Next Game Wednesday 18 May at Huukan time 6.46
Hey Larry why all the outer ware it was 91 today

Friday, May 13, 2016

5/13/16                         Game Results

8 Players                      56.00 Total  Pot

CTP    #5 & 15 Ken       #8 & 12 Greg wining 8.00 each

Low Net    1 Bob  10.00   2  Ken  8.00  3 Larry 6.00

Skins   4 Total  Bob, Ken, Greg, Juan  4.00 each

Next Game Monday 5/16/16  6.46 at Huukan

sorry I tunes will not let me load pitchers

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

5/11/16                                               Game Results

6 Total Players          42 Total Pot

CTP   #5 Ken    #8 Herb    #15 Jay    all winning 4.00

Low Net     1 Ken 8.00    2  Bob 6.00    3 Dave  4.00

Skins    Ken  and Jay split 6.00 each

Next Game Huukan at 6.46 Friday 13 May 16         

Monday, May 9, 2016

5/9/16                                          Game Results

7 Players                     49 Total Pot
1 add on                       +4 in  Pot Total 53.00

CTP    #5 Greg  #12 Dave  #15 Greg  each was paid 5.25 for greenie

Low Net  1 Greg 9.00 shot 64   2 Dave 7.0 shot 64 lost shootout  3 Larry 5.00 shot 65

Skins   Ken  2 Total  won 8.00   Dave and Greg 1 each paid 4.00 each

Next Game  at Mohave 6.45 tee time date 11 May 2016
Jay hitting a low runner

Friday, May 6, 2016

5/6/16                                        Game Results

CTP  #5 Dave  # 8 Bob   #12 Bob  #15 Ron  all paid 3.50

Low Net  1 Bob 9.00  2 Dave 7.00    3 Herb 5.00

Skins paid 3.00 each to  Herb, Ron, Jay Bob 7.00

Don't forget mother day Sunday play golf  early

Next Game Monday at Huukan tee time 6.46
jay at the site of the last eagle played

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

4 May 2016                                      Game Results

Game Played at Los Lagos  Gold tees 66.4/111

Ghin still out of order on mobile and home Pc

Next Game Huukan 6.45        6 May 2016  Friday

CTP  #5 Larry  #8 Herb  #12 Paul all winning 4.50

Low Net  1 Ken 9.00   2 Herb 7.00   3 Larry 5.00

Skins 3 each Ken, Dave , Jay paid 4.50
The 145 yard par 3 that was to hit for 7 players to hit

Monday, May 2, 2016

5/2/16                                             Game Results

7 Total players
1 add on at the turn                       Total Pot 53.00

CTP   # 5 Dave    #12 Ken   #15 Paul   paid 5.25 each

Low Net   1 Ken  9.00   2 Herb  7.00   3 Dave 5.00

Skins   4 Total 3 to Ken  12.00   1 Dave 4.00

Next Game  at Los Largo time 7.25 be early please