Monday, February 29, 2016

2/29/16                                                          Game Results

CTP    #5, # 8  #15  Herb   #12 Jay  winning Jay 4.00 Herb 12.00

Low Net   1 Ray  9.00
                 2 Scott 7.00
                 3 Jay    5.00
                 4 Dave 3.00

Skins  Jay 2 each   Ray 2 each  Scott 1 each paid 3.20 per skin

Next Game Wednesday 2 March 2016 at Huukan Tee time are 8.54 and 9.02

Ray and Jay talking about free drop of Scott ball

Friday, February 26, 2016

2/26/16                                                Game Results

8 total players

CTP  #5  Jack    #8  Dave     #12  Ron    #15 Jay  all winning 4.00

Low Net 1 Dave  9.00
               2 Jay     7.00
               3 Ray     5.00
               4 Bob    3.00

Skins  a tie between Jay and Bob with one each winning 8.00 each

Next Game at Huukan 29 Feb 16 Time 8.03 and 8.11 be early the starter likes an early time

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

2/24/16                                                       Game Results

7 Players

CTP    # 5 Jay    #8  Jay   #15 Bob S  all paid 4.50 each

Low Net   1 Ray  8.00
                 2 Bob  6.00
                 3 Dave 4.00
                 4 Juan   3.00

Skins  Ray 2 each  Jay, Bob, Juan 1 each paid 2.75

Next Game Huukan 26 Feb 16 8.03  and 8.11

Monday, February 22, 2016

2/22/16                                           Game Results

8 Players

CTP     #5 Bob       #8  Herb        #12 Scott     #15  Ray    all winning   4.00

Low Net  1  Dave  9.00
                2  Bob    7.00
                3  Jay      5.00
                4  Jack     3.00

Skins     5 Total  Scott, Bob,  Dave, Jay, Herb   each getting  3.25

Next Game is 8.03 and 8.11 at Huukan  Wednesday the 24  of Feb

Friday, February 19, 2016

2/19/16                                                          Game Results

CTP  #5  Jay     #8    Jay     #12   Scott     #15   Bob    all winning 3.50 per hole

Low Net   1  Dave  8.00
                 2  Jay      6.00
                  3 Jack     4.00
                 4 Herb     3.00

Skins       Ray,  Jack,  Jay   winning 3.50

Next Game   21 Feb 16  at Huukan  Tee Times are 8.03 and 8.11

Special Note good luck to Larry and his Team tonite

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

2/17/16                                                Game Results

CTP     #5  Bob     #8  Bob     #12  Bill    #15   Dave   paid 5.50 each

Low Net  1 Herb  11.00
                2 Bob      9.00
                3 Jay        5.00
                4 Ray       3.00
                5 Juan       2.00

Skins      4   Total   Herb  3 for 15.00     Greg  1 for  5.00

Next Game  19 Feb 16 at  8.03 and 8.11

Monday, February 15, 2016

2/15/16                                           Game Results

8 Players

CTP  #5  Dave  #8 Larry  #12 open    #15 Jack  all winning 5.25

Low Net 1 Ray 9.00   2  Dave 7.00   3  Bob 5.00   #4 Jay  3.00

Skins    4 Total   Ray, Bob ,Jack ,Jay   4.00 each

For those players not there the following took place   1. Out of bounds, when hit out and then having the ball stop on the course  I. E. over the road on 2 or 7 its out of bounds  return and hit as required.

there was talk about a club championship being played in April around the 6-9 of April. Herb was going to check prices on trophy one  for net, one for gross paid by the players there will be no" game" on those days the 7.00 going into the trophy fund.  We do need a good name for this Mens Championship . something like the PGA  Legal  rules Men Champ let me know your ideas

people in this talk were Bob, Herb , Jack ,Ray , Dave

Friday, February 12, 2016

2/12/16                                          Game Results

8 Players

CTP      #5 Ray       #8 Larry         #12  Bob S         #15  Jack     winning 4.00 each

Low Net  1  Herb 9.00    2 Jack   7.00     3 Ray   5.00   4 Bob S  3.00

Skins  Jay 2 each paid 8.00    Herb  4.00   Bob S 4.00

Next Tee Time 15 Feb 16 at  Huukan  8.11 and 8.20

Sorry blog will not load the pitcher folder may be monday

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

2/10/16                                              Game Results

10 Players

CTP    # 5 Ron    #8  Ron  #12 Dave  #15 Jack all winning 5.00

Low Net   1 Dave  11.00  2 Ron 9.00  3 Bob S 5.00  4 Herb 3.00  5Jack 2.00

skins   6.00 each    Juan, Bob S,  Dave

Next Game 12 Feb16  Huukan 8.11 and 8.20

Those times are good into March all at Huukan

Play at the Avi is same day tee times if you want times a few days ahead it will cost you
hey j     Wally  want to used your curling iron

Monday, February 8, 2016

2/8/16                                          Game Results                               4 Players

CTP  No Greens hit due to the extreme windy conditions (and some bad golf shots)

Low Net  1 Ron  7.00     2 Jay  5.00

Skins Bob and Jay split with 3each winning 4.00 each

Next Game 10 Feb 16 at Huukan golf course time 8.11 and 8.20

Friday, February 5, 2016

2/5/16                                                 Game Results                             6 Players

CTP    #5 Ron   #8 Scott    #12 to hard to hit   #15 Dave    all winning 4.00

Low net  1 Jack  8.00     2 Jay  6.00       3 Herb   4.00

Skins     Scott 2 for 4.00  Jack, Herb, Jay 2.00 each

Next Game at Huukan at time 8.11 and 8.20 Date 8 Feb 16

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

2/3/16                                            Game Results                            8 Players

CTP      Bob S   got them all paid 16.00 way to go Bob

Low Net   1 Jack  9.00   2  Jean 7.00   3 Herb 5.00  4 Bob S 3.00

Skins  Jack 2 each  Juan 1 each paid 4.50 per skin

Understand it old Bob S birthday well have a great day an enjoy

Other news  Jean is heading north drive, carefully and we hope you return to Huukan  golf soon we will miss you and my dollars
Hope you like this one ( the French connection)

Monday, February 1, 2016

2/1/16                               Game Results                                      6 Players

CTP  #5  Jay    #8 open     #12  Jack    #15 Ron   paid 4.00 each

Low Net      1 Jack  8.00    2 Herb 6.00    3 Ron 4.00

Skins     Jay 2 each   Jack 2 each    Herb  2 each  3.00 each   1 tip to John (his birthday)

Next Play at Huukan  3 Feb 16   8.11 and 8.20 

cold and windy day, thanks to the players that show up even when they took all my money (again)