Monday, November 30, 2015

11/30/15                   Game Results                                              9 Players

CTP   #5  Scott     #8  MT. Jack  #15 Herb    all winning 6.00

Low Net    1. Ron  10.00   2. Dave  8.00  3. Larry 6.00  4. Bob S 3.00

Skins      Dave 2 each  herb 1 each   Bob 1 each  paid 4.00  each

Next Play Date  Wednesday    2Dec 15  at  7.46 and 7.54  6 spots taken have room for more

Last Day to put in scores new Handicaps on 1 Dec

Friday, November 27, 2015

11/27/15                     Game Results                                              8 Players

CTP  #5 Mt. Jack   #8 Scott   #12 Mt. Jack   #15 Bob S  4.00 each

Low Net 1. Scott 9.00   2. Bob 7.00  3. Herb 5.00 4. Jay  3.00

Skins   6 Total  Scott 2 each  Herb 1 each Bob S 1 each Ray  1 each   paid   2.25 each

Next Play  30 Nov 7.29/7.37  8 Players Sign up
                    2 Dec  7.46/7.54  6 Players Sign up
                    4 Dec   7.46/7.54  7 Players sign up

Dec 16 We go out after the Men's  club times are 1002 and 1010
A rare sight Herb Driving Jay (that should slow him down)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

11/25/15                       Game Results                                      8 Players

Ctp #5 Jack  # 8 Bob S  #12 Ray  #15 Jay  all winning 4.00

Low Net 1. Bob 9.00  2.Herb 7.00 3. Larry 5.00 #4  Ron 3.00

Skins Bob   Herb   Larry all with one each 4.50

Next Play 11/27/15 tee time are  9.36  &  9.45 Players 9 Total

Happy Thanksgiving to all don't eat too much not good for golf swing
A first Ray in shorts

Monday, November 23, 2015

11/23/15                                  Game Results                           10 Players

Ctp     #5  Jay       #15 Larry each winning 10.00

Low Net 1.Jay 11.00    2. Scott  9.00   3.Herb 5.00    4. Larry 3.00  5. Dave 2.00

Skins  Dave 1 each     Ray 1 each    paid 8.00 each

next play Wednesday  11/25/15  at  7.29/ 7.37    9 players sign up
                 Friday         11/27/15  at   9.36 /9.45    10? players sign up
welcome back Ray

Friday, November 20, 2015

11/20/15                                     Game Results                                       10 Players

Ctp   # 5  Bob S      #8 Dave     #12 Charlie     #15 Mt. Jack all winning 5.00

Low Net  1. Bob S  11.00  2. Ken 9.00  3. Jay 5.00  4. Larry 3.00 5. Ron 2.00

Skins  Bob S 2 each  Scott and Jay 1 each paid 4.00 each

11/23/15  7.12 & 7.20 Tee Times    10 players sign up

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

11/18/15                        Game Results                                         10 Players

CTP    #5 Charlie  #8 Larry  #12 Ken   #15 Juan  all winning 5.00

Low Net 1. Herb   11.00   2. Bob S 9.00  3. Larry  5.00  4. Ken 3.00  5 Jay 2.00

Skins Charlie , Bob , Herb one each paid 5.25  carry over.25 for table tip

Next Game 11/20/15 7.12 & 7.20 10 Players plan to play

Monday, November 16, 2015

11/16/15                                   Game Results                           7 Players

CTP    #5 Ken  #8 Bob S   #12 Ken   #15  Herb all winning 3.50

Low Net 1. Bob S 8.00   2. Ron 6.00    3. Dave   4.00  4. Herb 3.00

Skins Bob S 3 each Jack 1 each paid 2.25

Next Game 11/18/15  7.12 & 7.20   8 Players sign to play
                    11/20/15  SAME           9 Players sign  to play
new lake found on #11 discover by ken. The lake is a short trip from the tee box a real much see

Friday, November 13, 2015

11/13/15                       Game results for  Friday  13th                                     7 Players

CTP #5 Bob S  #8 Herb #15 Bob S all paid 4.50

Low Net 1. Dave  8.00  2. Jay 6.00 3.Ron 4.00 4 Herb 3.00

Skins Jay, Herb, Dave all winning 3.50

Game time and dates
16 Nov 15 7.20/7.29  9 Players
18 Nov 15  7.12/720  8 Players
20 Nov 15  7.12/7.20  8 Players

Special Note 18 Nov we will be out before a Canadian Women
this what happen when fishing for golf balls Don't do it the water is cold
The Women are playing at Huukan the men at Avi no tee time for 18 Nov at the Avi
ken leaving the green after making a 20 Ft putt

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

11/11/15     Happy Veterans Day       Game Results      7 Total Players

CTP  #5 Mt Jack   # 8 Open #12 Paul # 15 Mt Jack all paid 4.50 each

Low Net  1. Mt Jack (66)  2.Bob S (68)  3 Jay (68) paid 1.  8.00    2.   6.00     3.  4.00

Skins Herb 1  Bob S 2  Mt Jack 2 skins paid 2.25 each

Add caption
Next group date  Friday the  13   start time 7.29  7 player sign up
the little people

Monday, November 9, 2015

11/9/2015                      Game Results                                                     9 Total Players

CTP  # 5 & # 12 Jack  #15 Bob S  Paying 6.00

Low Net 1. Scott 10.00 2. Dave 8.00 3. Bob S 6.00 #4 Larry 3.00

Skins  Scott 2 each Juan 1 paid 5.25 each

Next Play                   Time                       Players
 11 Oct 15                    7.29/7.37                7
  13 Oct 15                    7.29/7.37               7

looking for golf ball

Friday, November 6, 2015

11/6/15                                 Game Results                               8 Total Players

CTP   # 5  Mt. Jack      #12 Herb      #15 Ken    winning  5.50 each

Low Net 1.Dave 9.00  2. Herb 7.00  3. Scott 5.00   4. Jay 3.00

Skins  Jay 1   Scott & Herb 2 each    paid 2.25 per skin

Tee times      09 Nov    7.29  7.37   7.46      Players 9
                      11 Nov    7.29  7.37                Players 8
                       13 Nov   7.29   7.37              Players  7
The Fab 4
On a cold ? and windy day there was a rare  sight at the #1 Tee , Herb in  BRAND NEW Jeans .The Question remains did the old (last year) ones fail to expand?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

11/4/2015                             Game Results                                10 Total Players

CTP  #5 Bob S  #12 Herb  #15 Paul all winning 6.50

Low Net  1. Dave  11.00 2. Larry 9.00  3. Herb 5.00 4.Bob S 3.00 # 5. Juan 2.00

Skins  Dave, Paul, Larry 5.25 each

welcome back Mt. Jack

Next Game    6 Nov 15  Tee Time  7.37 & 7.46 7 Players sign up
                       9 Nov 15  Tee Time  7.29 & 7.37  5 Players sing up

Monday, November 2, 2015

11/2/15                                           Game Results                           8 Total Players & Paul

CTP # 5 Ron  #8 Dave #12 Paul  #15 Bob S all winning 4.50

Low Net 1. Ron 9.00 2. Ken 7.00 3. Bob S 5.00 4.Scott 3.00

Skins Dave  Scott   Bob S  Jay 

Next Game 11/4/15       7.37/7.46                 7 Players
                    11/6/15       Same                       6 Players

All Tee Times made under my name for play on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday were cancel by me today any players wishing to play on those day feel free to call in and get a Tee time from the Huukan Golf Course. Play will continue Monday, Wednesday and Friday as planed. Information about play and tee times will continue here unless closed by the owner of the Blog.
Point of contact is Dave Reeves Phone 760-267-7968
E-mail @
Facebook @cavdave