Friday, October 30, 2015

10/30/15                        Game Results                      Total Players 6

Two Players failed to show

CTP #5 & #8 Ken  #12 Paul   #15 Bob S winning 3.50 each

Low Net 1. Bob S  8.00  2. Herb  6.00 3. Jay 4.00

Skins Bob S 2 each 4.50   Herb 2 each 4.50  Jay 1 each 2.25

Play Times

Sat & Sun For Dave an Jay 7.20 space for more if you want to come

Date                         Time                        #tee Times              #of Players
2 Nov 15                  7.12/7.20                          2                            9
3 Nov 15                  7.37/7.46                          2                            2
4 Nov 15                  7.37/7.46                          2                            8
5 Nov 15                  7.37/7.46                          2                            2
6 Nov 15                  7.37/7.46/7.55                  3                            9

Need help filling tues, and thur tee times
The head Man playing golf

Thursday, October 29, 2015

10/29/15                       Game Results                               Total Players 10

CTP  #5 Dave   #8 Jay  #12 Ken  #15 Ken  5.25

Low Net 1.Ken 10.00  2. Bob S 8.00  3. Jay 6.00 # 4 Dave 3.00

Skins  Dave  1   Bob S 2  3.  Jerry  5.25 each

Play Dates Times, an other stuff all the same as the last Blog
The Three Golfers Moe, Larry, Curlly

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

10/28/15                      Game Results                           Total Players 10   1 add on  Pual

CTP   #5 Dave  # 8  Jay  #12 Larry  # 15 Juan  paid 5.00 each

Low Net   1. Ron (58)  9.00 2. Scott (64) 7.00  3. Herb (67)  5.00 4. Bob S (68) 3.00 5. Ken (69) 2.00

Skins Paid 2.50 each  Scott 2  Paul 1 Juan 1 Herb 1 Bob S 1

Date             Time            #of Tees           # Players
29 Oct           7.12/7.20          2                      7  ?
30 Oct            7.12/7.20          2                     9
31 Oct            7.12                  1                     2
1  Nov             7.12                 1                     2           AZ TIME   Now all Time is AZ Time
2  Nov         7.12/7.20/7.46      3                    9

Cost of events  2.00 for CTP      3.00 for Low Net       2.00 for Skins

Buy in for all three   cost 7.00
Buy in for  Low Net & Ctp 5.00

Buying in for any other combo is fine   or play for nothing If you pay 5.00 I am going to assume that you want CTP& Low net.  CTP & Skins is 4.00,   Low Net and Skins can be 5.00 if you are going this way let me know  I am trying to fix the delay in paying people and I want to get it RIGHT.

I need to paid Jay, Ron and Ken funds come see me don't let me forget

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

10/27/15                             Game  Results                   Players

CTP    One Per Player 2.00 each

Low Net  Dave 7.00    Jay 5.00

Skins  1.50 Each   Dave 2   Greg 1 Jay 2

happy day the start of a new hole in one fund
All Tee Times as posted on the 26 oct
Dave getting his ball after hole in one on #15 132 yards 7 iron yea

Monday, October 26, 2015

10/26/15                        Game Results          8 Players 3 in ctp & Low net

CTP   # 5,  # 12   Bob S    # 8  #15 Herb  8.00 each

Low Net 1 Herb 9.00  2. Jay 7.00 3 Ken 5.00 4. Ron 3.00

Skins Larry, Herb (2) Jay Bob S 2.00 each

Date        #tees           time               # Players
Oct 27         2                7.12/7.20          2
Oct 28          2                same                9
Oct 29          2                 Same             Unk         At  AVI
Oct 30           2                Same               9

As of this date scores  effecting Hcp index are as following
Lyle    86       Oct 20     Not Posted
Ron    112      Oct 21     Not Posted

Lets get them in guys
about time

Friday, October 23, 2015

10/23/15                 Game Results                               12 Total Players 3 in CTp and Low Net

CTp      # 5   Ricky   #8 Ron   #15  Larry 8.00 each

Low Net 1 Dave R 12.00  2. Jay 10.00 3. Larry 7. 00  4. Herb 5.00 5. Bob S

Skins Jay, Lyle, Dave, Larry

Date                     # Tee                  Time                  # Players
Sat Sun                                                                       Jay,Dave
Oct 26                     2                       7.12/7.20              7
Oct 27                     2                       Same                     3
Oct 28                     2                       Same                     8
Oct 29                     2                       Same                     3
Oct 30                     2                       Same                     8

For uninformed players I take and record the scores for that day and check them so to insure the ALL scores both good and bad are enter into the Ginn system just a heads up don't be left out in the cold

The Rough is high for the grass a chance to put down roots for some strange reason if you hit it there look for no longer than 5 min then replay as required don't hold up the groups behind  you

Play at a fair pace don't drag along play, ready golf please
Paul and Yucca what a team

Thursday, October 22, 2015

10/22/15       Game Results                                6 Total Players    Total Pot 42.00

Ctp   #5 Paul   #8 Jerry    #12 Dave   #15 Paul   3.00 each

Low Net 1. Jay 8.00  2. Greg 6.00  3. Dave 4.00

Skins Paul 1 each  Bob O 1 each 6.00

tee time and players are the same from the last blog

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

10/21/15                            Game Results                            8 Total Players   3 in only low net & ctp

CTP  #5  Larry   #12  Ron   #15 Bob S  5.25 each

Low Net 1. Larry 9.00  2. Dave 3. Herb  4.Ken

Skins 2 for Herb 5.00  1 For Larry and 1 For Bob S 2.50 each

Date                    Time             #tees                #Players
22 Oct 15              7.12/7.20         2                       3
23 Oct  15             Same               2                       8
24 Oct 15              7.12                 1                       1
25 Oct 15              7.12                 2                       2
26 Oct 15              7.12/720         2                        6

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

10/20/15        Game Results               7 Total Players

CTP   #5 Jerry   #8 Juan  #12 Jay   #15 Paul   3.50 each

Low Net   #1  Larry  8.00  #2 Dave R  6.00  #3 Lyle 4.00

Skins  Larry 1 each  Jerry 1 each  Jay 1 Each

Date                  Time             #Tee         #Players
21 Oct 15         7.12/720             2             8
22 Oct  15         SAME               2             3
23 Oct  15         SAME               2             8
24 Oct 15          7.12                   1              1
25 Oct 15           7.12                   1             2

To Bob Sholler  who sat in while I was out getting my ear lower My Error will not happen again


1. The Starter will sent groups early so the course will be full and they can end the day sooner

2. Players must come and SIGN in so we can get a count also it almost time to draw teans

3 Players must pay for the game as they wish
     CTP cost 2.00
     Low Net  3.00
     Skins       2.00
     Total for all 7.00

4. They can hang with Jay looking for the last slice of toast

5. It help Dave to get things done so he will not make any more errors

Monday, October 19, 2015

10/19/2015                  Game Results                         10 Players

CTP    #5 an  #15  Herb     #8 an #12 Ron  10.00 each

Low Net    1 Jay  11.00    2. Herb 9.00  3. Ken 5.00  4.Ron 3.00   5. Dave R 2.00

Skins     Herb 2 each   Bob S 2 each   Jay 1 and Juan 1 each skin paid 2.00

Date                 #Tee Times       Time                #Players

20 Oct 15              2                   7.12/720                 3
21 Oct 15               2                   same                      8
22 Oct  15              2                   same                      3
23 Oct  15              2                   same                       8
here an old one

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

10/14/15          Game Results      8 Total Players

CTP  #5, #8 Herb 8.00  #12 Dave R 4.00  #15 Scott 4.00

Low Net     Bob  S  9.00   Dave R 7.00  Jay 5.00  Larry 3.00

Skins Dave R 8.00 Scott 8.00

Date           Time                #of Tee Times                #of Players
15 Oct 15     7.20                          2                                  7
16 Oct  15     7.20                         2                                  7
17 Oct 15        NONE
18 OCT 15     7.20                        1                                   2
19  Oct   15     7.20                        2                                   8

Still trying to get the photo to work ,no luck so far but  I am working on it .

Monday, October 12, 2015

10/12/15                   Game Results                   8 Total Players

CTP   #5 Dave R     #12 Herb       #15 Jerry    5.25 each

Low Net   Herb  9.00,  Ken 7.00    Jerry 5.00  Jay 3.00

Skins  Herb 2 Each      Jerry 1 Each     8.00 Herb  4.00 Jerry

Date         Time          #of Tee Times          #of Players
13 Oct        7.20                 2                              6
14 Oct        7.20                 2                              8
15 Oct        7.20                 1                              3
16 Oct         7.20                2                              7

Saturday, October 10, 2015

10/9/15    Game Results

CTP  #5 Herb  #12 Jay  #15  Herb  6.00 each

Low Net  Lyle 10.00  Bob S  8.00  Scott  6.00  Herb  3.00

Skins Scott 1  Lyle 3 each  2.00 per Skin

Date           #of Tee Times        Time          #of Players

12 Oct                 2                        7.20               6
13 Oct                 1                        7.20               5
14 Oct                 2                        7.20               8
15 Oct                 1                        7.20               3
16 Oct                 2                         7.20              7

17 Oct          no Time  closed for Turney

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

10/7/15 Game Results

CTP   #5 Dave R,   #12 Herb    #15  Scott winning 4.50ea

Low Net   Ron  8.00  Scott  6.00  Ken  4.00  Jay #.00

Skins  Scott,  Dave R,  Herb,  Bob S winning 2.50 each

Date                # Of Tee Times      Time       # Of Players
8 Oct                       1                    7.20                  4
9 Oct                       2                    7.12                  8
10 Oct                     1                    7.20                   1
11 Oct                     1                    7.20                  2
12 Oct                     2                    7.20                  5

Monday, October 5, 2015

10/5/2115 Game Results

CP 5 Bob S, 12,15, Herb winning 4.00 for each

Low  Net  Ron 8.00  Herb 6.00  Jay 4.00

Skins Dave R , Herb 3 each        2.00each

Up comeing  Play Dates

Date         #of Tee Times      Time       #of players

6 Oct 15          1                      7.20            3
7 Oct 15          2                      7.20            6
8 Oct 15          1                      7.20            3
9 Oct 15          2                      7.20            8

Saturday, October 3, 2015

10/3/15 Game Results

For 10/2  Cp  Dave R 5.50 Juan 5.50 Larry M 2 ea 11.00

Low Net Juan 11.00 Jay 9.00 Larry M 6.00 Bob S 4.00 Ken 2.00

Skins Scott, Juan 2 ea, Jay 4.50 each

Dates, Number of Tee times, Number of Players as of 3 Oct

Date      Number of Tees    Time    Number of Players sign up

5 Oct                  2               7.20                 6
6 Oct                  1               7.20                 3
7 Oct                  2               7.20                  6
8 Oct                  1               7.20                 3
9 Oct                  2               7.12                 8

Its the start of the golfing season the sooner you sign up and the farther out you can plan the better it is we can make tee time out 21 days lets get the times and days we want.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

1 OCT 2015    Game Results 6 Total players   5 Players in the pot

CPS     All won by Bob S for 2 greens hit no one else hit a green  total $10.00 win

Low Net  Bob S $7.00   Larry M $5.00  Jay $3.00

Skins Jay 1 ea $2.50 Bob S 2 ea   $7.50

NEXT PLAY 2 Oct 6.55 2 tee times, 6 players sign up    3 & 4 Oct 1 Tee Time 2 Players sign up
 5 Oct  7.20  2 tee times 5 Players sign up  6 Oct  7.20  1 tee time 2 players sign up

I can request Tee times up to 21 days  in advance. I will only request time for the players that are sign up. Players must sign up and plan in advance of when they can play. If the players don't sign up in advance the course might be full, so plan ahead

An old photo  I will try to take some new ones on friday