Friday, February 28, 2014

Feb 28 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Tim(1),  Scott(1),  Larry M. (1),  Bob S.(1),  Lewis (2),  Wally (LN),  $4 each  $6 carry over

CTP's;  #5- Herb,  #8 -Lewis, #15- Paul= $5.25 each

Progressive=  $16 added equals $33 in pot

Low net game;  Walley=$8,  Tim & Scott=$4 each

Tim, Ray and Paul split the $82 kitty with their team having a low net of 201

Tee times;   Mon-Huukan  7:35  Az time
                   Wed-Mohave  8:00 Az time
                    Fri-Huukan   7.35  Az time

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Feb 26 skins results

Two hole skins;  Paul(1),  Lewis(1), Bob M.(1), Scott(1),  Bob T.(LN)=$8 each

Ctp's;  #5-Jay,  #8- Ron L., #14-Herb,  #17- Scott=$5.25 each

No progressive

Low net game;  Scott=$11,  Lewis and Bob T=$5.00 each

Tee time Fri at Huukan 7:37 Az time

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Feb 24 skins results

Two hole skins;  Bob S. (2)=$14,  Dean(1)=$7,  John H.(1)=$7, Jean(L-N)=$7

CTP's; Herb wins progressive with #5 and #12 for $17,  #5 & #12- Herb= 11.00
#15-Bob S.=$5.50

Low net; Dean=$8,  Bob S. and Jean +$4.50 each

See ya Wed at Mohave at 8:00 Az time

Friday, February 21, 2014

                                                  2- 21 2014  skins result

Paul. 2   Gordy 1.  Larry moore 1.  Bob s. 1  low net with out skin Jean $5.00 each $1.00 cary over

Ctps.#5 Bob S.  #8 Jean.  for $ $4.00 each #12 and #15 Larry moore to win the Progressive Paid out $63.50  good Job Coach

Low net game Paul. for $7.00 Gordy and Larry moore $4.00 each Nice round Paul Larry m and Gordy.

Next play mond. Huukan az time wend. Mohave 8.00 am Az time

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Feb 19 skins results

Two hole skins ;  Bob S. (1),  Dean(1),  Paul(1),  Scott(L-N),+ $10 each, $1 carry-over

CTP's;  #5-Bob T.,  #8-Dean,  #12=Herb,  315-PAUL = $5 EACH


Low-net game; Scott= $10,  Dave & Walley= $5 each

Monday, February 17, 2014

Feb 17 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Larry M.(1),  Paul(1),  Dean(1),  Bob S.(2),  Garry(L-N),  $7 each, $1 carry -over

CTP's;  #5 Tim,  #8 Paul,  #12 Scott, #15 Dave = $5 each

No progressive

Low net game;  Bob S.= $10,  Garry & Ray= $5 each

Wed Feb 19  Mohave 8:00 Az time

Be there or be square

Friday, February 14, 2014

Feb 14 skins results
Two hole skins;  Ray(1), Dave(2), Wally(L-N), = $8 each $3 carry over
CTP's;  #5-Herb, #8- Jean, #12- Bob S., #17-Herb= $3.75 each
 Progressive; Herb won $22.50 progressive.  Way  to go Herb
Low net game;  Ray=$7,  Jay & Wally $4 each


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

              Larry Moore's tee shot on #15 on Tuesday......almost a hole in one!

Feb 12 Skin results

Two hole skins;  Jay(2),  Ray(2),  Larry M.(1),  Paul(L-N) =$3,  $5 carry over

CTP's  #5-Scott,  #8-Ray,  #12-Scott,  #15-Paul= $3.25 each

Progressive;  Scott won $59.50 for winning the progressive,  good job Scott!

Low-net;  Paul= $6,  Ray & Garry= $3.50 each

Friday golf at Mohave 8:00 AZtime

Monday, February 10, 2014

Feb 10 skins results

Two hole skins;  Jay(2)=$16,  Paul(1)=$8,  Lewis(1)=$8, Gordy(L-N)=$8

CTP's:  #5-Jay,  #8-Scott,  #12-Larry L.,  #15-Ray,  =$10 each

No progressive

Low-net game;  Paul= $10, Lewis & Gordy= $5 each

Friday, February 7, 2014

Feb 7 skins results

Two hole skins;  Scott(2)= $16,  Dave(1)=$8, Bob D.(1)= $8
CTP's;  #5- Lewis, #8- Ray, #12-Charlie, #15-Bob S. $9.25 each

No progressive;

Low net game;  Scott=$9,  Ray & Jay= $5 each

Mon and Wed Huukan,  Fri- Mohave

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Feb 5 skins results

Two hole skins;  Paul(1),  Jean(1), Lewis(1), Ray(1), Garry (LN)= $9 each, 1 carry over

CTP's;  #5- Lewis,  #8- Tim,  #14- Garry,  #17-Charlie= $5.50 each

No progressive

low net game;  Jean=$11, Ray and Garry= $5.50 each    

Tee times    Fri, Mon, Wed  Huukan- 8:00 Az time
                   Fri Feb 14- Mohave 8:00 Az time

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

                                                 2-3-14.   skins results

Lewis 3- $15.00 Ray 1-$5.00 Scott-1$5.00 Jay1-$5.00 Low net w/0 skin Ted $5.00 $2.00 carry over.

           ctps.   #5 Herb.  #8 Jay.  #12 John H.  #15 Paul -$4.25 each.  No progressive.

Low net game. Ted $9.00   Ray and Lewis $4.00 each.

Next play Mohave wend. 8.00 am az time Huukan Friday 8.00 am. az time.