Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Oct 30 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Lewis(2), Jay(1), Jean(L-N) = $12each

CTP's;  #5-Jim C., #8, #12, #15-Jay = $12 each

Progressive game; 5 Qualifiers= John I.- Sept 30th, Scott-Oct 7th, Bob D.& Herb- Oct 28th,  Jay-Oct 30th

Low-net game; Jean=$12,  Lewis & Garry=$6 each

Tee time-Huukan 8:00 Fri


Monday, October 28, 2013

Oct 28 Skins results

Two Hole skins;  $10 each= Paul(1), Don S.(2), Vern(L-N) $3 carry-over

CTP,s;  #5 & #8-Herb., Bob D.-#12 & #15 = $10 each

Progressive game; 4 qualifiers= John I.-Sept 30,  Scott- Oct 7,  Bob D.- Oct 28,  Herb- Oct 28

Low-net game;  Don S.= $10,  Paul & Vern = $5 each

With Bob D. and Herb we now have 4 qualifiers for the progressive pot!  Good job! 

Sorry for the error in the blog, Bob D. and Herb were the qualifiers for the progressive game.     

Tee  times:  Wed 30 & Fri 1- Huukan 8:00
                    Mon 4-Huukan 8:00
                    Wed 6 -Mohave 6:00 Nv time or 7:00 Az time
                    Fri 8, Mon 11, Wed 13- Huukan 8:00
                    Fri 15 -Mohave 6:00 Nv time or 7:00 Az time
 We will play at Mohave again at 6:30 Nv time or 7:30 Az time on Fri the 22 of Nov                

Wind gusts today up to 60 miles per hour

Friday, October 25, 2013

 Oct 25                                            Bobby D.  hitting balls.

 Skins results

Two hole skins; Herb (1),  Scott (1),  John C. (1),  Paul (L-N)= $10 each.

CTP's;.  #5 Wally,  #8 Bob D,  #12  Garry RR,  #15  Don L, = $10.50 each

Low Net  Game;  Paul- $10.00; - Les and Gordy- $5.00 each

No progressive, 2 Qualifiers John I- Sept 30th & Scott - Oct 7th

Tee Times; Huukan- Monday, Wed,  Fri, 8:00 am. 

Randy is excited that so many of us want to sign up for the Huukan and Mohave Men's

Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Oct 23 Skins results

Two hole skins;  Scott(1),  Garry(1), Larry N.(1), Bob D.(1), Jay(1), Jim(1), Roy(L-N) = each $5. $1 carry-over

CTP's;  #5 Less,  #8 Paul, #12 Herb,  #15 Bob D. = #9 each
Progressive game; 2 qualifiers= John I.-Sept 30th & Scott- Oct 7

Low net game;  Roy=$9,  John C.=$4.50, Larry M., Don, Paul, & ( ? )=$1 each

It's sure good to have the old group back together plus all the new guys!

See ya  Fri-  8:00 Huukan

Monday, October 21, 2013

Oct 21 Skins results

Three hole skins;  $9.00 each= Bill K.(1), Jay(1), Larry M.(L-N)

CTP's;  #5- Gordy, #8- Scott, #14 Larry N., #17 Herb = #9.50 each

Progressive game;  2 qualifiers= John I.- Sept 30th & Scott-Oct 7th

Low net game;  Larry M.=$9,  Scott and Don l.= $5 each

Wed and Fri at Huukan at 8:00

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday October 18 2013

Skins results

Three hole skins; $13 each Larry M. (1), Less(L-N)

CTP's;  # 3 Jay,  # 5 Larry M,  # 14 Vern,= $7 each. $1.00 tip

Low net game;  Less $5,  Dave & Larry M. $3 each.

Progressive game;  2 qualifiers = John I.- Sept 30 & Scott-Oct 7

Tee times;   Mon Oct 21 -  Mohave 7:00
                   Wed  Oct 23 thru Nov 4 -  Huukan 8:00
                   Wed Nov 6 - Mohave -  7:00 Arizona time
                    Fri Nov 8 thru Nov 13 - Huukan 8:00
                    Fri  Nov 15 - Mohave- 7:00 Arizona time

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oct 16 Skins results

Three hole skins;  $3 each = Bob D. (3), Dave(1), Less(1), Larry L.(1), Vern(L-N) $4 carry-over

CTP's;  #3-John I.,  #5 Less, #14 John C., #16 Jay = $6 each

Progressive game; 2 qualifiers=John I.- Sept 30 & Scott- Oct 7

Low-net game;  Bob D.= $6, Vern & Dave=$3 each

Tee times;   Fri,  Oct 18- El Rio 7:00
                  Mon, Oct 21- Mohave 7:00
                  Wed, Oct 23 & Fri, Oct 25- Huukan 8:00

Monday, October 14, 2013

Oct 14 Skins result

Three hole skin;  $9 each = Larry L. (1), Less (L-N) $1 carry-over

CTP's;  #3 Scott, #8 Less, #12 Rick, $16 Dave= $4 each

Progressive; 2 qualifiers= John I. Sept 30 & Scott Oct 7

Low net game;  Larry L.- $4, Garry & Less -$2 each

Tee times;   Wed & Fri El Rio - 7:00

Friday, October 11, 2013

Oct 11 Skins results

Three hole skins;  $5 each = Dave(2), Dean(1), Les(1), Bob D.(L-N). $3 carry-over

CTP's;  #3- Bob D.,  #5- Dave, #14- Jay= $9 each ($1 table tip)

Progressive game; 2 qualifiers= John I.- Sept 30 & Scott- Oct 7

Low-net game;  Bob D.=$7, Les & John C. $3.50  

Tee times;  Mon- Los Lagos- 6:55  
                  Wed & Fri- El Rio- 7:00

We need 2 or 3 more players for Monday at Los Lagos to have a progressive game

        Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Oct 9 Skins results

Three hole skins;  Jay(1)=$13, Dennis(L-N)=$13

CTP's;  #3-Less,  #5 Dennis,  #16 Larry M. $8.50 each

Progressive game; 2 qualifiers= John I. Sept 30 & Scott Oct 7

Low-net game; Jay= $6, Dennis and Les = $3.50 each

Tee times;  Fri. El Rio-7:00,  Mon. Los Lagos- 7:00

Monday, October 7, 2013

Oct 7 Skins results

Three hole skin; $5 each =  John I.(1), Bob D.(2), Don L.(1), Scott(L-N)

CTP's; #3 & #5- Scott, #16- John I., #14 Larry L. = $5 each

Progressive game; 2 qualifiers John I.(Sept 30), Scott (Oct 7)

Low-net game; Don L.- $5,  Bob D. & Scott-$2.50 each

Friday, October 4, 2013

Oct 4 Skins results

Three hole skins;  $2 each = John I. (1), Scott (4), Wally(L-N) $5 carry-over

CTP's;  #5- Scott, #14- Denny = $3 each

Progressive game; 1 qualifier John I. Sept 30 (6 players no progressive today)

Low-net game; John I.= $3, Wally & Don L.=$1.50 each

Tee times Mon thru Fri next week 7:00 El Rio

Windy, windy,  windy!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Oct 2 Skins results

Three hole skins;  $5 each = Don L.(1), John I.(1), Wally (1), Less (1). Ted (L-N).  $4 carry -over

CTP's;  # 3- Scott, #5- Dennis, #14- Ted= $4 each ($1 Table tip, $1 carry-over)

Progressive game 1 qualifier John I. on Sept 30th

Low-net game;  Don L.=$6,  Les  & John I. = $3.50 each. 

Welcome to all of our new players