Monday, September 30, 2013

Sept 30 Skins results
Three hole skins; $5 each = Bob D. (1), Ted (1), Jay (1), Don L.(1A ),
 Larry L. (L-N). A $3 carry-over 
CTP's;  #5 & #14-John I.=$6.50, #16-Herb & #3 Ron S. $3.25 each
Progressive game; 1 qualifier= John I. #5 & #14
Low-net game; Larry L.=$7, John I. & Don L.= $3 each   
Tee times  Wed 2nd-Fri 4th;  7:00 El Rio
                    Mon 7th-Fri 11th; 7:00 El Rio

Friday, September 27, 2013

Sept 27 Skins results

Three hole skins;  $7 each = Don L.(1), Larry N. (1), Les (1), Larry M.(l-n), $2 carry-over

CPT's;  #5 & #15-Jay, #8 John I, #12 Don L. = $3.50 each

Progressive game;  Jay wins progressive, no new qualifiers

Low-net game; Larry M.- $7, Bob D. & Don L. $3.50 each 

Tee times ; El Rio-  Mon. Wed. Fri. 7:00  Sept 30 - Oct 4th

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sept 25 Skins results

Three hole skins; $9 = Larry M. (2), Don L. (low-net) $2 carry-over

CPT's;  #5 John C. #8 Ted, #12 Vern, #15 Les = $7 each

Progressive game; 1 qualifier Jay, Sept 18th

Low-net game; Larry M. $7,  Larry N. & Don L. =$3.50 each

Tee times;  Fri.  Sept 27th  Huukan 6:45
                 Mon. Sept 30th - Oct. 4th  El Rio  7:00

Play will be at El Rio Sept 30th until Oct 16th

Play will be at Mohave Oct 18th and 21st

Huukan reopens on Oct 23rd

Monday, September 23, 2013

Sept 23 Skins results

Three hole skins; $4 each = Ted (1), John I. (1), Larry M.(2), Herb (low net)

CTP's;  $7 each =  John I. #5, Jay #8, Dean #15

Progressive game; 1 qualifier- Jay on Sept 18th

Low-net game; John I.-$5, Herb & Larry M  - $2.50 each, $1 carry-over

Tee times 6:45 Wed & Fri  at Huukan

Friday, September 20, 2013

Sept. 20 2013, Skins result

Three hole skins; $6.00 each.  Jay (1), Bob D. (1), Don L (low net). $1.00 carry over.

CTP's;  #5-Herb,  #8-Larry N,  #12-Less, ($3.00 each). Table tip $1.00.

Progressive Game; one qualifier Jay, Sept 18.

Low-Net Game; Bob D-$4.00, Don L, and Vern,  $2.00 each.

Back to the Gray T Boxes

 Monday, Wed,  Friday; 6:45 T Times at Huukan

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sept 18 Skins results

Three hole skins; Les(1), Ted(1), Jay(2), Herb(1),  Bob D.(LN). $3 each

CPT's;  #5, #14 - Jay, #17 -  Less, #8 - Herb = $5 each

Progressive game;  Jay qualified with #5 & #14 CPT's

Low-net game;  Jay $5, Ted & Herb $2.50 each

Friday Sept 20, 6:45 at Huukan

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sept 16, Skins results

Three hole skins;  $4 each = Ted (1), Don (1),  Bob S (1). John I (1), Bob D (1), Jay (1).  $1 carry over.

CTP's;  #5 #8- John I.  #15 Larry N.  $3.00 each.  $1 table tip.

Progressive Game;  John I won,with #5and #8 greenies.  (wins progressive) $31.00

Low-Net Game;  Bob S. $5  Bob D. & Ted.  $2.50 each.

Next play at Huukan Friday, we will all Tee off from the blue teebox.

Don't forget Wed at Mohave 6:45 am.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Sept 13 Skins results 

Three hole skins;  $5 = Bob S. (1),  Less (2), Don L (1), Bob D (1).   $2 carry-over

Dave;  our newest player, got cheated out of a skin  due to Jay's stupidity
     (Sorry Dave)

CTP's;  = #5 Herb, Less #12, Don L, #15. = $7 each.  ($1 table tip)

Progressive Game; Qualifier= John I.

Low- net game; Don L. $5, Jay & Less $3 each.

Next Play Huukan; Monday 6:45,  Wed Mohave Golf Club, 6:45,  Friday Huukan, 6:45 

Have a nice weekend.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sept 11 Skins results

Three hole skins; $3 each = Less (4), John I. (1), Don L. (1). A $4 carry-over

CPT's; #5-Bob S. #12-Larry M. #15-Less = $6 each ($1 table tip)

Progressive Game; John I

Low-net game; Less $5, Herb &  Don L. $2 each

See ya Friday

Monday, September 9, 2013

Sept 9, Skins results:

Three hole skins, $3 each = Ted (2), Herb (1), Don L (1), Bob S (1), Jay (1). A $4 carry-over.

CPT's = #5 Herb, #12 Vern, #15 Larry M = $6 each

Progressive Game: Qualifiers = John I

Low-Net Game = Don L - $5, Herb and Ted - $2 each

ENJOY the week!

Friday, September 6, 2013

The week of  9-9 the Weekan Tee times are 6:45 a.m.

Three hole skins, $2 each = Don (1), Bob S. (2), Jay (1), Larry M. (1), Vern (1). A $4 carry-over.

CTP's = #5-Don, #8-Larry M, #12-Vern, #15-Herb = $2.50 each ($1 table tip)

Progressive Game: No qualifiers = $5 into the fund

Low-net Game = Vern - $4, Larry M. and Don $2 each

Have a GREAT weekend!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Skins results Sept 4

Three hole skins, $4 each = Larry M. (1), Herb (1), Bob S (1), Jay (1)

CPT's = #5, #12 -John I.  #8- Bob S.  #15 Jay = $2 each

Progressive Game; 1 qualifier, John I. = $9 into fund

Low-net game = Jay -$5,  Larry M -$2,  Bob S. -$2

I suggest we come up with a club name for the Tee times heading
Example:  Weecan Golf,  Think about a good name
Skins results Sept 2

Three hole skins, $5 each = Bob D (2), Larry M. (1), Ted (1). A $2 carry-over

CTP's = #5-Bob D.  #12-Herb, #15-John I. = $3 each ($1 table tip)

Progressive Game; No qualifiers = $10 into the fund

Low-net game = Bob D.-$5,  Larry M. & Ted $2.50 each